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"Could-could you repeat that?" I asked.

Gwyneira pecked me on the lips. She got off of my stomach, nestling down beside me and wrapping her arms around me. "I want to give you the title of a baroness."


"For everything that you've done. You helped me in Sylvaine; you helped my brother and his guard; you helped my husband."

"But, I just stood trial for helping your husband."

"And I declared you not guilty. And besides, this way, I can keep you close."

"I am already working for you; isn't that close enough?"

Realization dawned on her face. She swept some hair off of my forehead. "If you're that averse to it, I will not do it."

I blew the air out of my mouth. "I-I am just unsure. I want it, but, at the same time, I don't. I feel... I feel like I am rejecting my Sylvainian heritage if I become an Eiran."

Gwyneira ran the pad of her thumb over my cheek, her warm breath fanning over my face. "I understand. I will give you as much time as you need to provide me with an answer. I know my advice is unsolicited—being born out of wealth—but, to me, you are not rejecting Sylvaine. To me, it is as if you are representing Sylvaine."

"I, I never thought it of that way."

Gwyneira nodded before closing her eyes. She supported her head on my shoulder. I craned my neck and planted a kiss to her forehead. I followed suit, trying to match her slow, even breathing.

"Lady Khorshid," a voice said from across the table, "that is a beautiful brooch. What type of flower is it?"

I smiled at the queen. "Thank you, Your Majesty. It is a rhododendron flower, ma'am; they're used to treat joint pain but are poisonous if you ingest them."

Gwyneira went to respond, but a group of men barged into the room. No one seemed to care—except for Gwyneira and me. The royal family continued to eat as if the intruders weren't there. The men wore face coverings, hiding all-but their eyes, but I could see their leathery, calloused skin—like they are used to manual work.

The men grabbed Gwyneira by her arms, hauling her out of her chair. She thrashed against their holds, but it was in vain. They had the upper hand. I looked to her mother and father, but they didn't react in any way.

"Let her go!" I shouted. I tried to get up, but it was as if something held me down. Invisible restraints tied me to my chair, only allowing me to watch the struggle.

The Grand Duchess glared at me. "Lady Khorshid, how rude you are! We are eating a civilized meal—you mustn't shout like a barbarian."

My eyes bugged. Why can't the Grand Duchess see that her daughter is in trouble?

Gwyneira continued to writhe and shriek, clawing at the men. They dragged her to the door, and I fought harder against the invisible chains around me. But whatever they were didn't let up. I watched, hopelessness spreading through me, as those men hauled her out of the room.

Gwyneira shot me a look, drowning in panic and fear, before the door slammed in her face. The restraints suddenly released me, and I scrambled out of my seat. I raced after her, but the guards at the door blocked me.

"Lady Khorshid, sit down!" Gwyneira's mother shrieked. "One does not leave the table in the middle of a meal!"

A guard grabbed me by the arm, just as the men had done to Gwyneira. They heaved me back to my chair, forcing me to sit. "No! Gwyneira!"

Cold Hands, Warm HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon