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A maid approached me, cardstock atop a silver tray. I read the note, alarm rising inside of me. "Forgive me, sirs," I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice, "but my brother has called on me, saying it is an emergency. I will continue this meeting another time."

I jumped to my feet, the advisors and such around me hurrying to theirs as well. I rushed from the room to Dr. Aitor's office. "What do you mean something is wrong with Khorshid?" I demanded, stopping before Khorshid's door.

"Gwyneira, I need you to calm down a little," my little brother said, reaching for me. I attempted to do as he said, breathing in slow breaths.

"I-I am calm," I muttered.

"Khorshid is missing."

My heart rate spiked. I couldn't breathe—air was coming in, but the spots still danced in front of my eyes. A hand squeezed mine. "I told you it would be a terrible idea to tell her," my brother said, anger in his voice.

"What-what-what happened?" I managed to get out.

"Are you sure you want to hear it, Your Majesty?" Dr. Aitor asked. "I do not want to put your health in jeopardy."

"Tell me," I ordered through gritted teeth.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He opened the door. To my relief, there were no bloody sheets or clothes. Her bed was unmade, and her chest gone. Someone had knocked some chairs to the floor. "Khorshid did not meet with me this morning as I require. I came down here and found her room empty—her herb chest gone as well. I asked nearly all of the servants, but no one could locate her. It forces me to believe that she is missing, Your Majesty."

I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes, but I forced them back. I must be strong. I must be strong for Khorshid.

I marched into the hall, speaking to the servants there, "Fetch Sir William, the Head Guard, Aurelio, the Head Jeweler, Henrietta, the Head Maid, Sergius, the Head Butler, and all six of the Venatores. Bring them to my private parlor."

"Yes, Your Majesty," they all chorused, scattering in different directions.

"She's requesting the Venatores," my brother whispered to Dr. Aitor. "Those are six women, all highly skilled in different types of combat and strategy. But the one thing that they have in common is their acute tracking skills. I have never heard of someone deploying them for things other than royal emergencies."

"Come," I interrupted. "We must meet them there."

Five minutes later, I stood before eleven people, not including my brother and the doctor. "Ladies and gentlemen," I spoke, anger hardening my voice. I put on my trademark blank expression. "This morning, I discovered one of my doctors missing. If anyone, anyone, has information, I urge you to step forward and reveal it. Spread my word to each and every person in your staff. If I find that you, or anyone, has information and didn't share it, I will consider it treasonous. That goes for your staff members as well. Everyone but the Venatores, leave and tell all of your personnel at once."

I watched as they vowed to know nothing before leaving. The revered Venatores stepped forward, going down into a kneel. "The girl's name is Khorshid Lysandra," I began. "She is twenty-three, black hair, green eyes, bronzed skin, a little taller than me. She is wearing an Eiran topaz necklace. She went missing overnight—the approximate time is not known."

"May we see her quarters, Your Majesty?" Bryanne asked. She is known for sword fighting.

"Of course," I said. "Follow me."

I led the six to the familiar room. My eyes fell on Khorshid's bed, the memory of the other night surfacing. How ironic—she was worried that I would go missing. It suddenly got harder to swallow, and the burning behind my eyes began.

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