Thank You!!

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Thank you to each and every person that read my story! I appreciate you very much!

I hope you liked it. This book was so much fun to write, and I always hate to finish a book because then I can't visit their world any longer.

I started this book on March 17th, 2020 and ended it on July 9th, 2020. I wrote this in four months! My record thus far is ten months! That goes to prove that if the mind has nothing to do, you can achieve anything. My school switched to online in March due to the pandemic, and instead of our normal schedule, they split up six hours of school into two days. And my job didn't open this summer. That means that I had about two hours of work a day. I had loads of time to write!

As with any book, the first idea is different than the result. In the beginning, Gwyneira was going to be a Blue witch who freezes her land out of heartbreak; think of Frozen, but Gwyneira doesn't do it out of fear. And I originally had it so that because of the topaz necklace, Khorshid was immune to the cold. But I scrapped that idea because I didn't want Gwyneira to be seen as the villain.

In the beginning, Khorshid's father was going to be some variant of a supernatural—a demon, I think it was my plan was. But then I realized that I would have to incorporate demons into the plot, and it got to be too much. I really only wanted witches in my story. And Khorshid was going to find out that her father was actually from Gulsahro, and she finds her long-lost brother in Satis. But, again, I favored the lack-of-doctor plot over that. And the final change regarding Gulsahro was that Cawell's original name was Jabira, meaning 'comforter' in Arabic. I changed it when I morphed her character to have a more antagonistic role.

Also, Tarni wasn't a region. It was only going to be Eira, Daley, and Sylvaine. Then I added another one in because not having an ocean is unrealistic. Speaking of unrealistic, Gulsahro was not a thing either. I added it to the plot when my sister (AKA my makeshift editor) told me there should be other countries in this realm.

I read my stories to my sister, and she points out mistakes, wrong vibes, or spots that need more explanation. In return, vocalizing allows me to see grammar mistakes on my end. Because of that, she gave my characters nicknames. Here are some of the highlights:

Khorshid= the lady who throws the drink

Gwyneira= Gwenny or Gwen

Dr. Aitor= Mister Ayatore (literally Ay-ya-tohr; she told me to spell 'mister,' fyi)

Imogena= Iwo Jima

Rasmus= Rasmussen College (a college here in Minnesota, where I am from)

Miyu= Mew mew (like from theThor movies)

Allegra= literally just 'medicine'

Last, but not least: Shewla= shoe

Anyway, thanks for reading this book! Hopefully, you will check out some of my other ones!

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