Cookies- chapter 1

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It was a hot day in sothern California. There were no clouds up in the bright blue sky.Josh and Colleen were sitting aroung in their small, but all-they-needed apartment, going on twitter and instagram on their Iphones. Then, suddenly Colleen got out of her black spinning chair. The chair spinned round and round, hitting her white desk in the corner of a room, from all the momentim from when she got up. The sound of their air conditioner rustled, and blew all the fan picures of "Miranda Sings" up and down, hanging all over the white wall.

"Where are you going?" Joshua asked Colleen. His bright blue eyes gleamed as his face tilted, questioning the beautiful girl.

"To get a snack, of course."Colleen answered as the cow onesie hood slipped off her sleek, dark brown hair.

"Of course, I should have known,"Josh laughed as his mouth stretched across his face, forming a big smile.Colleen left the room, and Josh continued on twitter. His fingers were moving around the phone as if he were a pro at typing on keys smaller than his fingers. 'I think she is going to get some cookies...'Josh estimated to himself.

A few minutes later, maybe two or tree, Colleen entered the room through the tall doorway. Her curly hair was bouncing up and down. She came in holding a plate of milk chocolate chip cookies. Her face showed an emotion of gleeful, because she just got some cookies.

"So, I just finished filming my Miranda video, so now I have to edit it." She walked over to her desk, set the cookies down next to her keyboard, and finally sat down, back in the black spinny chair. She swished the computer mouse around the mouse pad. The mac turned on with a flash. Her screen image was a horse wearing a floaty, she called it a sea horse. It was from the last Colleen's Corner video, where she answers your questions. She opened up a file that said "to edit'."Would you like a cookie?"she asked Josh. He knew that she loves him so they wouldn't be poisned.

"Sure, why not"Josh replied."Thanks." he said.

"No problem" Colleen exclaimed shaking her head. Colleen needed to edit out all of the Colleen-talking-as-herself parts.That took about twenty minutes."Hey Josh,"

"Yeah"Josh said,

"Where are we going next for the Miranda show?" Colleen asked.

"London, England." Josh said with a smile on his face. 

Hi guys!!! So,this is chapter 1 of I need you. Sorry it was so short. I feel the beggining of a story is always kind of boring. FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!

I Need You  : A Colleen Ballinger and Joshua Evans Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now