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Is it really that easy?

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°

Conner looked over the room at Alex and Arthur who were huddled closer than he liked discussing something he wasn't part of.

"I don't like it," he said.

"You know, it does seem too suspicious," Bree said, walking in the room with some food and handing it to Conner. He muttered his thanks and went back to watching his sister.

"I mean, he just appeared out of nowhere!" Conner said, setting his food down in frustration. "Did he plan it? Is Alex in on it? I don't get it!"

"He seemed legitimately worried when we were in the forest, I really think he was kidnapped." Bree said, picking up Conner's discarded food and picking up a tomato. She popped it in her mouth and chomped down. It squirted a little tomato juice at Conner and looked at her.


"You weren't eating it," she said.

"That doesn't mean I don't want it!"

"Back to the task at hand," Bree said, successfully distracting him from the food situation. "It is too much of a fairy-tale ending. I mean, we just found him. That doesn't normally happen. And then we have to deal with the Alex issue. She doesn't think she was gone for long! It doesn't make sense. Maybe Alex will have some answers out of Arthur soon."

"That's all she's getting out of Arthur."


"I don't understand it either, Alex," Arthur said.

"It doesn't make sense that the kidnapper wouldn't want you to know who they are. Why take you in the first place? And then to leave you, abandoned in the woods. And for me to find you so easily. Nothing adds up here. Tell me the story over again."

"So, I was in the palace at Camelot and I was about to fall asleep. Then, I felt something fall over me and I was knocked in the head. The next thing I knew I was in that cottage, which I didn't know at the time, and I was just there. Everything I had been wearing and what was in my pockets was still there. I don't know why they took me. Honestly, Alex."

There was silence as Alex thought. She seemed so lost in thought, Arthur put a hand on her cheek softly to see if she was okay.

"You alright?" he asked softly. The events of the last few days, which had felt like hours to him, were all so crazy to the both of them.

She put her hand over his and leaned into them. "I just don't get it. First you're missing, then we go after you and I just find you."

She sighed in defeat. No matter what way she twisted it in her head with any form of magic involved, it never came out right to add up properly.

"I'm glad you did," Arthur said.

As much as they had been real in their dreams, seeing each other in real life put up a barrier only a talk would fix. Alex was thinking for another moment, trying to piece it together. Her thoughts shifted to Arthur. In their dreams, they could be just them by themselves. But when Alex had told her brother and mom about it, she had realized just how different it was from real life. Would they really act like that? So desperately? She didn't think so.

Over the next five hours, Alex unintentionally-intentionally avoided Arthur. She just didn't know how to breach the topic they both knew they needed to talk about. She wanted to spend all her time with him, but she had the personal excuse she had work to get to. Although all the fairies had taken over her personal tasks, she made things up for her to work on surrounding Arthur's kidnapper.

She avoided her brother's questions all day and steered clear of Bree's sleuthing. She didn't want to talk to anyone if it wasn't Arthur. But yet she didn't want to talk to Arthur. It was just all so different. And she didn't understand it. She could fully understand the ways of magic, but trying to wrap her mind around love seemed just out of reach for her comprehension.

"Hey, Alex?" Alex heard Bree's voice from around the corner of the door to her room. She had put spells around her room at the Fairy Palace so she could her those outside her door even if it was closed.

"Come in," she said passively.

"Hey," Bree said as she pushed open the door of vines. Alex expected a whole myriad of questions from "Where's your love for Arthur now?" to "Conner is pissed at you, what's wrong?". Instead she said, "Do you need anything?"

"Oh, um, no, I'm okay," Alex said, retreating back to her work. She grew restless under Bree's stare and started to shift away from her desk. "I'm going to the library if anyone wants me."

She didn't know why she had said where she was going to be. She thought maybe she was ready for Arthur to talk with her. Maybe it would be better than she thought... Heck, she didn't even know what to expect. What did they even need to talk about?





~ edited 25/6/2022

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