April 9th

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"Morning sunshine," Dean said as he entered the kitchen, greeted by the angel's naked back

"Morning" he replied looking to his side catching a glimpse of Dean's state and by his messy hair, he can tell he had a good night's sleep

Dean walked up to Cas and peeked from behind his right shoulder standing a little too close "What's cooking good looking" he said enthusiastically with a cheeky smile in hopes of getting a bite of the bacon on the pan in front of Cas

"Breakfast," Cas said with the smallest hint of blush, as he reached to grab a piece of the bacon, holding it over his shoulder to which Dean bit immediately releasing a pornographic moan right in Cas' ear "That's so good"
Dean said with a stuffed mouth which made Cas giggle

"So" Dean as he jumped on the counter next to the stove "I woke up with your trench coat" he continued looking directly into Cas' eyes "I guess what I want to say is...thanks, I know I annoyed your ass" he broke eye contact and looked down in a shameful manner

"You remember what happened?" Cas asked worry evident in his voice

"Not really," Dean said, he lied, he remembers glimpses and prepared a lovely experiment to test his theory

"Well, you were reckless, you should be more careful, Dean," the angel told him sincerely which made Dean smile "do you mind making the coffee?" Cas asked as he took the plates of pancakes and bacon to the living room

"Sure" is all that Dean said as he bounced off the counter to go make their coffee

"Still mad you took me from that guy, what was his name..." Dean paused for a second as he put the coffee mugs on the table "Eddie! Yeah" he continued with a playful smile on his face

The only reaction he got from Cas was a glare sent his way as he took a sip from his hot coffee

"You know..." Dean said, approaching Cas slowly "you don't have to be jealous" he stated causing Cas to look up and lock eyes with him

Dean put both his hands on Cas' shoulders and said "why are you nervous, Cas?" With a sly smile as he put one leg over Cas' thighs and straddled him

Causing Cas to sit up straight "I'm not nervous," he said stoically, his hands snaking their way to Dean's hips

"You think so?" Cas continued, grabbing Dean's hips with a little more pressure

Dean simply grinned and pulled himself closer to the angel's face, his lips brushing against the angel's and although angels don't have a heartbeat, Cas felt his heart skip a beat at the contact.

On the other hand, Dean's heart beats, and he swears it would burst out of his chest any minute as their foreheads touched, they closed their eyes and...

"Hey- Woah," Sam said as he entered the living room causing Dean to immediately jump off of Cas' lap

"Hey Sammy, how'd you sleep?" Dean asked awkwardly

"Uh...good, thanks" Sam replied looking at his brother and friend suspiciously

"Good...good, pancakes! Cas made them...they're good" Dean continued gushing words awkwardly

"Yeah you can stop now," Sam said as he went to grab a plate

"Ok" was all that left Dean's mouth for the next hour

"Why are you being so quiet, Dean?" Cas asked tilting his head in confusion

"Ah...well, baby has been having a few issues with the engine so, Sam I need you to come with me to fix" Dean replied giving Sam a look

"You never allow anyone to touch baby-" Sam got interrupted by Dean frantically talking "no! I need your help with baby, she's been having a few issues and I would need an extra pair of hands, now, can't you do that for me?"

"Yeah, sure," Sam said with a knowing smile

"Ok, let's go. Cas we'll clean up when we're done" Dean said and didn't take a second before he left the room

"...ok" Cas replied nonchalantly

Sam began interrogating the life out of Dean as soon as they entered the garage "you better tell me everything that's been going on! You left the bar yesterday without telling anyone, I come back and see you sleeping on the couch with Cas' trench coat covering you and now you were sitting in his lap and then when I come in you start acting awkward and weird...very weird"

"Well...I- you..." Dean stuttered, not saying one coherent thing

"Yeah? Ok?" Sam asked impatiently

"He told me he liked me!" Dean blurted out while looking at his brother with a distressed look on his face

"And do you like him?" Sam asked

"Well," Dean said looking around sheepishly "yeah..." he said barely above a whisper

"Finally," Sam said sarcastically

"Wait, you knew?" Dean asked very surprised at the fact

"Yeah, everybody knows except for you two" Sam stated annoyed at how oblivious his brother is

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dean asked angrily

"How is it my fault that you're the most oblivious person on the planet?" Sam asked chuckling

"Well...shut up," Dean said as he left his laughing brother behind.


Hi, hope you enjoyed this chapter, @MainGirlRose and I had the most fun writing this one ♡
Votes and comments are very much appreciated :)

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