Meet Me in the Backyard

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Flashback to November 15th

It was a lovely Tuesday afternoon and Cas had decided to join Dean on a trip to the supermarket. After all, what's better than the company of your best friend that you're secretly, hopelessly in love with.

"This is extremely unhealthy for you Dean," Cas told Dean as he stared with a disapproving look at the questionable snack the hunter threw in their shopping cart.

Dean looked up from the shelf in front of him to meet the angel's eye "I ate this every day for years and look at me! Fresh as a daisy" he said with a prideful smile.

"It's because I keep healing you" Castiel retorted as a soft look washed over his face

"Yeah well," Dean found himself out of any witty remarks to the angel's tender tone. He didn't have to be this adorable, he thought.

Castiel smiled at Dean's reaction. He might not admit or show it often...or ever, but he enjoys the moments where he can see Dean's natural goofy personality. It truly warms his heart like nothing else. His only wish is for his human to be this happy and carefree all the time.

"Go grab us some beer while I check out," Dean said as he put the bread in their cart, "oh and Cas, don't get distracted by other stuff" he continued before leaving the angel behind


"What do you think about flowers, Dean?" Cas asked as he handed the six-pack to Dean

"I guess they're pretty" Dean replied as a confused look covered his face "why?" It's not so much him being confused at how random the question is because quite frankly, he's used to Cas bringing up random topics at surprisingly random times. It's just the topic itself that confused him.

"I saw them in one of the isles and I thought about how bare our backyard has been looking since we moved in the bunker" Cas explained

"Yeah, so?" Dean replied, still confused as to where Cas is going with this

"I suppose we could use a little more color there, don't you think?" Cas explained even more "It's actually not that great of an idea, now that I thought about it-" he continued as he realized how ridiculous his idea probably sounds to Dean

"No no, it's actually a pretty cool idea," Dean reassured Cas rather quickly with a gentle smile leading the angel's face to light up with joy

-the next day-

The door slammed open and a very enthusiastic voice boomed through the angel's dark room "Hiya Cassie!" it was Dean

"It's..." Cas said as he looked at the clock on his nightstand "8 in the morning" he continued. Cas' voice is gravelly and having been just woken up drops it two octaves

"I got us flowers!" Dean said, not caring that he startled the tired angel out of his sleep

Cas responded looking rather perplexed at what Dean is saying "what?" he asked softly

"I got us flowers to plant," Dean said as he flicked the lights on in the room

"Why?" Cas asked, still confused

"Cause you said you wanted ones yesterday" Dean replied, smiling sheepishly

Castiel's face lit up at the realization that Dean went out of his way to get him flowers to plant "Thank you, Dean" he said as he got up and hugged the human

"Oh..." was all that left Dean's as he felt his blood rush to his cheeks "well, you better meet me in the backyard so we can plant them," Dean said before he rushed out of the room in excitement. He can't be blamed. He's going to plant flowers with Castiel.

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