April 9th, Hunting trip

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-later that day-

"Guys come down here" Sam called from the war room

"What" Cas appeared out of thin air

"Wha- dude don't do that. We've got a case" Sam said clearly still not used to his angel friend appearing out of thin air when called upon

"Where," Dean said as he skipped down the stairs in his robe and hot dog pants

"Iowa, Chris was following a vamp case and it turned out to be bigger than he thought," Sam said looking at his laptop screen

"A nest?" Dean questioned as he leaned against the table, arm brushing against Cas'

"Yep," Sam said as he got up to grab their gear "we should be there as early as we can" was the last thing he said before leaving to the armory

Dean looked up from his slouched position to be greeted by two steely blue eyes peering at him for a second before shying away. He had a shy smile on his face as it was his turn to take in the angel's beauty, only for the ocean blues to stare right back at him causing blood to rush to his cheeks tainting them pink

"Ok" was all that left the human's mouth before he strutted awkwardly to his room leaving the angel with a satisfied smile.

-on the road to Iowa-

"So, are you guys going to talk about what's going on?" Sam asked from the passenger seat

"What's going on?" Cas asked tilting his head to the side

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Nothing is going on" Dean responded almost immediately to Cas and Sam's questions

That didn't fool Sam for a second, so, he turned to Cas waiting for an answer

"What Dean said," Cas replied stoically

"Okay, you guys aren't talking," Sam said as he turned to face the road and play some music


"Really appreciate you guys coming," Chris said as he welcomed the hunters into his motel room "you must be Cas, heard a lot about you," Chris said as he shook Cas' hand to which the angel replied to with a polite smile

"Ok, so what do we got here?" Dean asked a little too loud

"Uh...this is what I've come up with so far" Chris pulled up his research files on his laptop with a few local papers "having an angel with us is a great advantage, we probably don't need to even plan an attack," Chris said looking into Cas' direction with a shy smile

Dean let out an exasperated sigh

"Are you ok, Dean?" Sam asked cynically, knowing damn well his brother is getting protective. Dean was definitely the type to get riled up quickly and it was quite amusing for Sam to watch

"Yes!" Dean responded a little too quickly with a knowing look on his face. He knew his little brother would be a pain in the ass as soon as he knew about his little crush on a certain angel

"So," Dean cleared his throat "you got a plan, Chris?" He asked as he turned to face Chris

"Ok so this is the location," Chris pointed on a map "it's an old ranch, I thought me and Cas could go from the main entrance and you and Sam go from the back just in case?" Chris ran the plan by the hunters

"No," Dean said, grabbing everyone's attention suddenly

"What?" Chris asked with a confused look on his face

"Cas should be with me, taking them out from the back" Dean stated defensively. The last thing he wants is for his angel to wander around with some random hunter

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