chapter 28

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I walked by the department of the religion and crossed the main building and entered the environmental studies building.  This part of the college was somehow unique and although it fascinated me I never quite visited it often .

I came across the botany lab and went inside .

" Mr. Nolan ? " I called out

" He's not here right now but he'll be - scar " I recognised the voice almost immediately. 

" Andy what are you doing here ?" I asked him

" Uh I have botany scar " he said chucking scratching the back of his neck as if he was embarrassed I found out. 

" Wow I didn't thought you were into science !" I was almost surprised by his preferences but people are different in their actual lives. 

" Oh no , Just biology.  Didn't wanted to get into zoology or pharmacy so I thought botany was nice although I'll switch it because pharmacy seems a lot better than this . I don't see botany having a lot to do in my future so " he said and I nodded understandably because he was right to an extent unless he wanted to teach botany in future

" you could teach botany later though . Won't be that bad "I said and he thought for a moment and then nodded. 

" So what are you doing here ?" He asked which for the first time I noticed he didn't have a cocky smile or a smirk on his face but just a normal face with normal expression like almost every Student ..

" Oh I was looking for Mr. Nolan . The chancellor caught me in the middle and asked me to deliver these files to him " I gave it to him

" I'll hand him later when he comes back . Anything else you want ? " He asked softly.  I didn't quite notice until yet he was wearing these lab glasses and that lab coat which to be honest made no sense to wear in botany lab but somehow suited him pretty nicely. 

" No. That would be all . So thanks "I shook my head and after a while took my steps back until I cut off the chase and finally turned around to leave.  I was just about to get out via the door when I turned around the last time. 

" Actually Andy there is something " I said

" Okay ?" He questioned. 

" I'm going to this party tonight , you can come with me ?" I asked him . It almost sounded as me asking him out on a date yet I knew why was I doing what I was doing. 

" Yeah sure okay . Text me I'll pick you up " he said and I nodded and left. 

I somehow knew Andy would had been happy about it but my plans were different altogether.  Ever since the fight with Ella I've started going back into being a bitch with her which is literally just playing out really hard metal in the room and keeping the room a mess since she hates it and she knows she can't do anything to fix it because that'll only end up in a worse fight so she just let's it be.  And bradley had been quite this entire time . It almost hurts to sit right next to him and him to not notice me doodling in my notebook. It isn't like he's ignoring me , I am but I see him smile a little at me which I ignore and move on with and even though I keep telling myself it's for the best I can't help but think I'm doing the wrong thing by doing that because this isn't the solution but there isn't any other solution . I can't imagine being the factor to ruin everything between Ella and bradley no matter how much I didn't wanted them to be together , they were and they ended off because of me and it almost hurts to know but sometimes in a world like this you just gotta pretend everything including your emotions  mostly to other people so they think of you otherwise either for a good cause or a bad cause . I make my way out back to the building and got on with the rest of my day . 

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