• Strange Feeling •

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George's POV:

I leaned towards my computer. Tension was high. I was in the End destroying crystal after crystal. Suddenly a message was sent in chat. 'Dream has made the achievement [The End?]' I start to panic slightly.

"George~" Dream sang.

"How! How are you here!! Leave me alone!" I screamed as I ran away. I ran towards the edge. I quickly threw a enderpearl. Dream then ran up to me and knocked me over the edge. Naturally I screamed.

Just then, the enderpearl dropped... right behind Dream. Dream is laughing too much to notice.

"Haha! I won George!" Dream laughed.

"Are you sure about that Dream?" I calmly said. Just then I knocked him into the void.

"GEORGE!!" Dream screamed. Whilst I laughed. Down in the chat 'Dream fell out of the world' showed. "Arg! You have gotten better George." Dream said.

I ran towards the dragon and started attacking. I had exploded several beds and shot several arrows. Finally, I hit the dragon for the final time. I then get hit by Dream.

"YESS!!" I scream - peaking my micophone.

"NOOOOOOO!!" Dream shouted.

"Haha! Good game Dream. So... what do I get as a reward?" I asked in a joking matter.

Dream went quiet. Suddenly he said, "You can have a kiss on the lips. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

I suddenly feel heat rush to my face. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly retaliate, "Haha, real funny Dream. Now I have to cut that." I then quickly stopped the recording.

"My offer still stands George~" Dream whispered close to his microphone.

My heart fluttered at the way he said my name. I felt more heat rush towards my face. "That's kinda gay...haha." I awkwardly laughed.

"If you change your mind you can always text me~ Anyways, goodnight Georgie!" Dream sang slightly.

"Goodnight Dream." I replied before we both exited the call.

I leaned back in my chair I put my hands on my face feeling how hot it is. I then started to think about how my heart fluttered when he said my name and how my heart skipped a beat when he said he was going to give me a kiss.

I removed my hands from my face and went towards my bathroom. I looked into the mirror. My face was beet red. I started the water in the sink and started splashing my face with the cold water. My face calmed down but my face still had a pinkish tone on it. I turned the tap off and walked back to my bedroom.

I fell face first onto my bed. I started thinking about those moments. I felt some heat creeping towards my face but not as much as before. I started to replay and think about the two moments. I shuffled so that I laid on my side. I saw that my alarm clock said that it was almost 2am.

I finally conclude it as us just becoming even closer friends. I then slowly slipped into the dream world.


Dream's POV:

"Goodnight Dream." That was the last thing I heard before I left the call.

I put my face in my hands. I thought back to what I said, "You can have a kiss on the lips." I felt a blush crawl onto my face.

Arg. Why would I say that! George probably thinks that I'm even more weird now. I take my face out of my hands and stare at the big bisexual flag behind my computer. Should I tell them? My mind then starts to fight itself about telling my friends about my sexuality.

I finally decided that I was going to tell one of my friends. I scrolled through my contact list. None of the name stood out except for George and Sapnap. I clicked Sapnap's name and sent him a message.

Dream: hey Sapnap!

Sapnap: hey dude
do you need anything?

Just then, I chickened out.

Dream: nothing much man
just wanted to check on you

Sapnap: i'm alright man
anyways i'm gonna go sleep

Dream: gn

I then went offline. I mentally kicked myself for not coming out. Maybe next time. I then laid down and stared to drift to sleep as I thought about George.


Word count : 699

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