12) Faith

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Percy had a bad feeling. When he had voiced that to Dean, Dean had shut it down, saying that the monster needed to be hunted.

Percy wished he'd argued more.

Instead, they hunted the monster.


"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asked, staring at the two tasers in Dean's hands.

"A hundred thousand volts," Dean smirked.

"If you wanted electricity, we could have just called Jason," Percy muttered, knowing neither of the two bothers heard him.

"Damn," Sam raised an impresses eyebrow.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra frickin' crispy. And remember, you only got one shot with these things. So make it count."


They moved down the basement steps, aiming their flashlights around. There was a sound coming from a cupboard, and they cautiously moved towards it.

"On three," Dean whispered. "One. Two. Three." He swung the door opened, revealing two children, a young boy and a girl, both crouched and covering their ears.

"Is it still here?" Sam whispered, and watched the children nod.

"Ok," Dean said. "Grab your sister's hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go." They moved to the stairs. "All right, go!"

Sam started taking the kids upstairs, but a hand grabbed his leg, knocking him down. Percy rushes up the stairs and grabbed the kids, leaping over the hand as it reached for him. Dean would help Sam.

When Percy got outside, there was a slight problem. The kids wouldn't let go of him.

"Come on, please, I have to get back down there," He hissed, trying to pry their hands away.

Sam peeked through the doorframe, and Percy saw him duck away quickly. He was probably running back downstairs.

His heart filled with terror the moment he heard Sam scream, "Dean!"


"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask," the receptionist at the hospital said. "There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file."

"Right," Sam said, handing the receptionist a credit card. "Uh, ok."

"Okay, Mr. Burkowitz," the receptionist said, glancing down at the card.

Sam then noticed two cops and walked over, holding onto Percy's arm. Percy hadn't done anything since he had seen Dean lying on the ground. He wouldn't move unless someone coaxed him into it, and his eyes had been staring into nothing the entire time.

"Look, we can finish this later," one of the cops said, glancing at Percy.

"No, no, it's okay," Sam said. "We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood. And, um, the windows were rolled down, we heard screaming when we drove past the house, and we stopped. Ran in."

"And you found the kids in the basement?"


"Well, thank God you did."

Sam saw Percy twitch at that. The most emotion the demigod had shown all day.

"Excuse me," Sam said to the police, noticing a doctor walking toward them.

"Sure. Thanks for your help."

"Hey, Doc. Is he..."

"He's resting," the doctor said, a frown on his face.

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