chapter 3

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Fell shot awake, he was in sans' bed again, but he was bandaged up.

Fell grimaced at the overwhelming smell. Ketchup.

"Who's coat am I wearin?"

Sans smirked.

Fell looked down to see he was wrapped in sans' coat. He blushed.


"Anyways, it was about time you woke up" Sans laughed

"What happened?" Fell rubbed his bandaged head.

"Well.. Uh.. We heard somethin in the forest and saw ya on the ground all banged up, and we broughtcha in"

Fell threw the blanket to the side and went to walk downstairs.

"Wait fell dont-"

He winced, the pain overwhelmed him, but he pretended to not care.

He walked towards the door but sans stood in the way.

"Wh- what are you doin? Move outta the wa-"



"You need to rest"

He hugged his coat.

"I dont need nothin"

Sans raised a brow.

Fell showed his sharp teeth.

"You're not intimidating"

Fell huffed.

"Just mov-"





"You need to REST!" Sans put his hands on fells shoulders.



"Thank you"
His gaze softened.

Fell grunted as he went back to bed.

"M'only doing this cause I have to, not that I want to" he snarled.

He flopped into bed and fell sleep almost instantly. Sans covered him up.


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