We Are Introduced

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My Monster


As he looks at me, those ugly brown eyes shining in triumph. I can only think about how much I hate him. With shock I realized I want kill him. This monster shall pay for the things he has done. The last thing on this earth he will ever know is my eyes. I will be the last thing he ever sees.

Chapter 1 - We Are Inrtoduced


I looked in the mirror and smiled. So my hair had decided to adapt to the cold after all. I had it down today, nice and wavy, my bangs pinned back, and my nice warm brown eyes without any redness. The only problem was this awful rain. But that's Wisconsin for you, rainy one day, ninety degrees the next. I sighed and put up my hood, god knows the rain would ruin it. As I got my things together, I glanced at my moms covered painting in the corner, thinking of my weekend plans with Brandon. Who was my official boyfriend thanks to Facebook. This weekend was my moms art show, and maybe even Sam and Kathy could come, if Kathy didn't decide to be a bitch and flirt with Brandon all weekend. 'Thank god it's friday.' I thought. And headed for the bus stop. There Kathy and Brandon stood talking to the new kid Jared. Okay he really wasn't new, Brandon has been friends with him for months, but no one stops being the new kid until another one comes along.

I saw Kathy smack Brandon and I simmered. It was one of those flirty-I-like-you-but-can't-have-you hits. I decided not to invite her. Two can play at this game bitch. Sam would nag at me, but whatever. 'They're just lucky I'm tolerant' I thought grudgingly. 

I snuck up behind Brandon, "Boo." I whispered and he jumped and turned around laughing. He pulled me into a hug and I had to stifle a really girly giggle. As the school bus pulled up Jared and Brandon started talking. 'They really did hit it off.'  I thought. As I eyed Kathy with jealous eyes. I thought about inviting Jared to my moms art show, Brandon would enjoy his company. But I didn't really know Jared all that well, it's not as if I was friends with him. Would he think the invitations weird and too foward? And what if Brandon couldn't come? Then I would be stuck in an Awkward situation all saturday. Which would suck majorly for both parties if Kathy wasn't going. I would totally bring Sam but she had plans...eh I'd talk to mom about it. She would know what to do. It was that first bus ride that made him want me. I wish the bus never came. Maybe then I wouldn't have lost her...

I looked at Brandon and nudged him with my shoulder. I was excited to go to school despite the crappy weather. I smiled and thought about how hyper sam would be, she loved the rain. Everyone else would groan a lot and drag their feet, but she would skip down the halls. Except she doesn't skip. But she smiles and she loves to make people laugh.

"What are you smirking at?" I almost jumped when Brandon spoke.

"Oh nothing. So you can come this weekend right?" I used my ever crippling eye lash bat and managed to look like a puppy. He chuckled.

"Yes I can. You odn;t lo begging now deary. I wouldn't miss Lilies art show for the world." I didn't stifle my eyes as they rolled. Brandon insists he call my Parents either mom or dad or by their first names. Doesn't bug me much. It just makes him more of my family. My boyfriend could've been my sibling form what he knows about my family. Hell if he wasn't a gonger with blue eyes I would be weirded out that I was dating the boy. But I suppose that was just one more thing I loved about him. I saw Kathy look at me with envious eyes and fought an erge to stick my tongue out at her. Of course I didn't but I wanted to. Instead I made a very sweet boy kiss me, very intimately. Kathy just huffed, fliped her hair and turned away. I smirked.

"So I'm not inviting Kathy and Sam can't go." Brandon frowned and I saw his eyes flick to Jared. I followed his gaze and stifled my sigh.

"So how about Jared?" he asked after I didn't say anything.

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