We Find Ourselves in a Crisis

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Chapter 4: We Find Ourselves in a Crisis


His goddess lay bloodied by his own gun on the freezing bank. He checked my pulse and dialed 911, then ran as she told him to do. He had made a terrible mistake in his anger. He had become his father. The thought froze him for a moment. He would have to go home, seek refuge from that wretched man. Or maybe he could just keep walking until he froze to death. Braelyn's kiss burned, the gun in his sinful hand burned worse. He threw it into the river and walked home, knowing he had no other option.

When his father saw him, Adrian frowned. "Who'd you kill?" Jared looked at him in shock. "I'm not dense son. You use a gun to kill. So tell me, who was it?"

"The details don't matter. They will search for me. I need...your help." Adrian's smile was triumphant.

"Leo! Take him to the safe house." Jared stiffened when Adrian put an arm around him. "You my boy are going to be like me one day. Just you wait." Jared got into the car. "As payment, I'll take that little girl. What was her name? Braelyn?" Jared froze and a plan formed in his skull.

"I think I can help you with that."


Brandon wondered if Braelyn was dead until they brought her up on a stretcher. She had been shot in the leg, and had three broken bones. Brandon was fine, but scared. There was no sign of Jared. Brandon would have felt hate for himself if there wasn't Jared to blame. On the ride to the hospital he called Sam.


Sam felt this crushing fear when she saw Brandon was calling. He told her the story in a very scary monotone.

"She needs someone she trusts." He told her before hanging up. She got a ride from her neighbor and brought an over night bag, telling mommy and feeling her normal sting of sorrow before she left. The hospital smelled like dread. She raced to Braelyn's room but was interrupted by...

"Kathy." Sam gasped, almost running into her. Kathy's eyes narrowed.

"Coming to her rescue I suppose, huh Sam? Always looking out for good old Braelyn." Her voice dripped sickly sweetness. Sam felt her danger and brought herself to full height.

"Did you need something?" Was all she could think to say. Kathy's reptillian smile was chilling.

"Nothing at all." She bumped Sam roughly as she walked past. Sam shook herself and found Braelyn's room. Braelyn had her leg bound, and her head. She was sleeping.

"Oh Brae." Sam whispered and sat on the floor beside her friends head. "I'm so sorry."


"Fucking bitch." Kathy spit as she walked down the hall. She had come here when Brandon had told her about Jared and hoped to hurt Braelyn some more. Instead she found Sam coming to the rescue again. Stupid bitch. Kathy sat down in the waiting room and tried not to remember. Hospitals always made her remember, the thought never left her head. How could Kathy ever forget the first time she had seen a rape kit?


Brandon waited for Sam, and eventually she found him. She was groggy, pissed off and sad.

"You're going to tell me everything." She said, sitting on the floor.

"About what?"

"Everything you did, and everything you know about Jared."

"Is Braelyn's mom here?" He questioned. Sam sighed.

"She's on her way. Now tell me." So he told her. When he was done, she closed her eyes. "I don't know how you could do that." She whispered.

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