We Change Our Minds

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Chapter 2: We Change Our Minds


Sam Looked miserable, but she still managed to spare me a sad smile before leaving for class. She was the strongest person I knew.

“Hey babe.” I jumped to see Brandon. He put his arm around me. I smelled Kathy on him and tried to hide my rage.

“Hey.” I said as we headed for science. Jared followed us at our heels.

“So what time should we be over at your house tomorrow?” I glanced back at Jared and smiled.

“Around seven. Mom has to be there by eleven and it will take a few hours to get there.” Brandon nodded, but he wouldn’t met my gaze for a few seconds and I frowned. Something didn’t sit right in the pit of my stomach. I glanced back. “I still have to talk to mom about you Jared, but I’ll have Brandon call you, kay?” He nodded, and I saw a flash of anger, it was gone before I could respond.

“Well I’ll call you, see you in a bit.” Brandon kissed my cheek and darted into a classroom. That left Jared and I alone again.

“Sigh. Is there something Brandon isn’t telling me you think?” I asked. He walked with a slouch, but I could sense the power behind him. He shrugged.

“Maybe I could find out. He seems very attached to that Kathy chick.” I seethed at that.

“She’s such a slut.” I spat out before I could stop myself. Jared smirked at that.

“Ya I see that.” He chuckled. I liked the sound of his laugh. I sighed stopping outside of my classroom. Math. I hated math. I sighed.

“I’ll see ya Jared.”

“See you later...Braelyn.” His voice shivered down my spine the rest of the day.


If there was one thing Jared wanted more than his goddess, it was to wring Brandon’s scrawny little neck. Jared watched as Kathy’s tongue slid into Brandon’s mouth, and wanted to murder them both. When the slut slithered off Jared ambushed his friend.

“What the hell do you think you are doing>” Jared snarled. Brandon jumped about a foot in the air and cursed, cheeks reddening shame.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stammered, blue eyes darting back and forth.

“The denial of the century.” Jared snarled, looming over him. Brandon’s shame turned to anger.

“What’s it to you?” The ginger snapped. He was a head shorter and hardly intimidating.

“How could you possibly think of cheating on Braelyn? She has done nothing but love you!” Jared roared, Brandon cringing back in fear.

“Bro, calm down.” He squeaked. Rage built within Jared and he picked Brandon up by the shirt. 

“You never deserved her!”

“Jared!” Jared was so surprised that he dropped Brandon when he turned around. Sam stood clutching her books to her chest, hazel eyes wide. But not with fear.

“He isn’t worth it. Come on.” She turned on her heel and despite his urge to crush Brandon like a twig. Jared followed her. He caught up to her, but she continued walking. She was so tiny it was hard to look at her.

“Do I want to know what that was about?” She questioned. Sam reminded Jared of his Nana Hawthorn. Jared thought of Braelyn and her happiness, was it right to ruin that, to burden Sam with the message?

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