A Close Encounter of the Dangerous Kind

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Chapter 3: A Close Encounter of the Dangerous Kind


    Initially my first thought wasn’t even my own. It was a scream in Sam’s voice that would have made me flinch had Jared not been holding me.

‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!’ Sam screamed in my head. But I couldn’t move away because Jared had his hand lightly on my waist, as if to say, ‘Is this okay?’ But the main reason that kept me rooted into place was, I didn’t want to move. It was like the best dream I ever had, I was filled with this floaty feeling, light headed and wanting more.

    But suddenly, reason bitch slapped me across the face so hard that I jerked. My eyes flew open to his and I jumped back so far like I was on fire. I backed away, feeling my eyes widen in shock, my cheeks reddening in shame.

“I… I’m sorry.” I was crying. I saw the hurt cross his face, not anger, and he didn’t make a move towards me. In that moment I saw a boy who was scared and lost and defeated. I should have gone to him. Instead I ran. Like the coward I was, I ran.


    The blood dripped onto the bare cold floor of Sam’s basement. She liked the cold. The cold told no lies. The sound of her mother’s heart on the monitor comforted her. Remembrance scalded her skull with cold fire. Hate for her own reflection bloomed in her heart. The trip of the knife went into her skin and stayed until the pressure of self hate threatened to explode, in one quick movement. She slashed down the top of her arm. It burned. But it was just. She did it again, careful to avoid veins. Death would be too easy, she DESERVED this pain. Revenge for being weak. She couldn’t help mommy.


She couldn’t change May.


She couldn’t reason with Kathy.


She couldn’t protect Braelyn.



    Brandon didn’t know what to do. Or rather he did, he just didn’t want to do it. Because she made him feel so good. But Braelyn was better. The first thing he did was text Jared.


    Her golden brown eyes were wide and tears trailed down her cheeks, she still wore his jacket. She saw through him. He still tasted her.

“I… I’m sorry.” She sobbed. She ran. They always ran in the end. His father stayed until she ran out of sight. Then he flashed his lights. It was a demand. Jared could feel his fathers righteous anger. He got into the back and was met with a slap in the face.

“Who is she?” Leo glanced at him with compassion in the rearview mirror.

“She’s a friend.” Jared did not show fear. Adrian slapped him again, his anger nearly visible.

“Didn’t seem like just a friend. Maybe she’s a whore I need to watch.” No reaction from the open threat. But Jared was quick. As fast as a viper he was on his father, giant hand on his throat. His father showed fear.

“I’m working on it.” Jared snarled, and squeezed for good measure before letting go and getting out of the car. He let his feet lead him wherever. Later when he read the text, his rage tasted like cotton.

‘I am leaving Kathy. I’m going to try and be good for Braelyn .’

It was from Brandon. Jared closed his eyes, took a deep breath through his nose. If he couldn’t have Braelyn, that ginger bastard couldn’t either. Brown eyes open to an idea.

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