We Fight and Sacrafice

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Chapter 7- We Fight and Sacrifice


    She found the van parked in a ditch on the side of a dirt road. It was still warm. It was pouring now, but She found Jare’s feet in the muddy forest and followed the tracks, racing as fast as her feet could carry her.


    They found the van parked in a ditch, and didn’t stop to look at it.

“He went to a remote location. There is a road leading to wherever he needs to be, but he went through the woods.”

“Why? How do you know this?”

“So it could throw us off. I’m a very good cop, Brandon.” With that the cop pulled over by the van and then had the squad put up security tape and roadblocks. Teams were sent to scout out the woods on either side of the road.  He was gonna go on his own. But the cop that Brandon rode with, stopped him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“If I go alone, he won’t suspect anything.” Surprisingly, he handed Brandon a walky talky. He told him.

“Go bring her back! Call if you need assistance.” He smiled and patted his back. Brandon turned the volume off, so Jared couldn’t hear it.

    He found a single dirt path to walk down, and saw a faint yellow glow in the distance. He slowed his pace when the small cottage came into view. Brandon slowly approached the front door, and listened, didn’t hear anything, so he went inside. He closed the door cautiously and looked around. Brandon saw the only door closed to his right. He walked up and he hears Jared speaking.

“Hush my sweetheart, you’re safe, you’re safe…” Brandon barges through the door to see Jared remove a needle from Braelyn’s arm. He saw Braelyn blink, then go limp.

“What the hell Jared?!” Brandon questioned.

“It’s not what it looks like! I swear.” Jared said reassuring.

“What was in that syringe?” Brandon wanted to know.

“Nothing..” Jared tossed the syringe on the bed.

“Can I ask you why you kidnapped Braelyn?”

“Why did you cheat on her? She did nothing wrong!” Jared was now a few inches from Brandon's face.

He gulped, “Answer mine first.” Jared is only a few inches taller than me.

“It’s not really kidnapping, I’m protecting her!” Jared looked back at her.

“Protecting her from what? Me?”

“No. I never intended it to be this way. You just wouldn’t understand.” Jared is growing tired of the word “kidnap”.


Brandon seems to be hesitating. But Jared knew his number, he knows what Brandon’s gonna pull. “I wouldn’t understand?”

“Indeed, you would never understand the situation me and Braelyn are in.” Jared went to look out the window. “You also wouldn’t care because the only person you care about is yourself, you’re so conceited!” He turned his head and glared at Brandon.

“I’m conceited? I’m conceited?! You take that back right now, or else!” Brandon snarled.

“Or else what?” Brandon then pulled out a walky talky. “Oh I’m so scared. You’re gonna call your cop friends?” Jared teased. “Good luck, I dare you!”

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