Chapter One

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(Y/N) POV:

I'm running as the sirens continue to scream in my ears, do I know why their following me yes, am I proud of it... no, no I'm not but I wasn't about to let a man threaten me with a knife and get away with it. I didn't kill the guy, I just put him in a 'heavenly' trance full of tweeting birds...













I knocked him out k. He was NOT leaving me alone and man did they need to take a hint before deciding to pull a knife on me! ME OF ALL PEOPLE!!!! Honesty thinking back at the situation I can't help but compare how similar the vine 'let me see what you have. A KNIFE! NO!' is to it.

I started to pick up my pace as I breathe out a chuckle, jumping from street avenue to avenue. The sounds of sirens were still near me, but at a further distance from before, so I took a sharp turn left and YEETED myself into a nearby dumpster. There was an intoxicating smell of a freshly cut bouquet which someone through away, sometimes you gotta thank your quirk for your soft landings.

You grabbed the bouquet and saw a note attached to it...

'Dear my beloved Sakura, I treasure your booty- I MEAN BEAUTY!!!

-Mineta xoxo'

"Man I don't know whether to feel sorry for the poor girl or the perverted child" you mumble as you chucked the flowers back down in the trash pile. You scurried out of the dumpster, looking like a raccoon with a tin can in their hair. Staying close to the street wall you scurried to the end of the alleyway. Looking from left to right, to see if the coast was clear, then to the left you spot a distant red and blue flashings lights and the hum of a siren heading in the opposite direction from your hiding place.

You let out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding in. You place your (S/F/C) backpack on the ground pulling out your light grey Eraserhead merch jumper as well as your highlighter pink earphones, placing them on like a light disguise as you walk home listening to (Favourite/Song).

You where currently in Musutafu, Japan right next to Tokyo. You've lived in this pleasant city your entire life and never once thought of leaving it. The streets at 11 pm usually aren't busy but tonight I guess everyone wants to celebrate something special. You could hear chatter and laughter from every corner of town, the occasional couple walking past hand in hand or families here and there with their children up wayyyy past curfew. It was nice and pleasant for a change. It brings you joy on your walk home.

The music bursting in your ears and the atmosphere around brings a spring in your step as you continue your walk.

The real reason as to why you were out and about wasn't due to a thug with a knife. You actually were leaving work. You see you work at a Cafe called 'Mew Mew Kiss cafe' and as the name suggests it is a maid like Cafe, unfortunately with a theme which was cats... I'm not saying I have anything against that but I'd never say shit about where I work to anyone I know, not even my big bro knows! Fuck that I don't wanna get home every day and be bombarded with statements like 'HAve A PUurrrrFect NiGHt?!' and other cat-related jokes which my intelligent brother could come up with! I already get enough of that shit from our customers.

You were going to after-work get some groceries for dinner and lunches for the week.

Heading to the local mini-market just down the hill from your house you enter, grocery list in hand as the timing of bells alert the lady behind the counter. As if they already were fed up with today's shift, she didn't reply or acknowledge your existence. Heading down each ail you aimed to great enough ingredients for your bento lunches.

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