Chapter Two

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(Y/N) POV:

I wake up to the bashing of pots and pans coming from downstairs which I can only assume is Kirmineko trying to make some form of edible breakfast. My body felt heavy as I yeeted myself off the bed and towards the nice soft carpet floor. Wait floor?!I stopped midway falling as I grasp onto my bed frame poll, swinging on it hitting a stack of unpacked boxes which I forgot to move downstairs last night with a loud thud. As I tumble to the floor.

"You okay up there?!" I could hear Kirmineko yell still slamming dishes in the kitchen 'I swear to god if I didn't know how to cook or clean, he would be living in a pig den' you thought as you adjusted yourself and walked towards your bedroom door. "Ye I'm fine! Just crashed landed out of bed from space!" you shout as you headed towards your wardrobe grabbing your grey Eraserhead merch shirt, placing it underneath your (F/C) woollen turtleneck jumper. You grabbed also grabbed a pair of jeans and placed them on, heading downstairs with your hair still in a mess.

Kirmineko was watching a how-to video on YouTube to make a lunch bento box, with rice, mice and vegetables as he rushes from left to right trying to multitask and cook rice at the same time as the mice. I walked over to the small countertop, waiting for him to realise that I'm standing there, but for me, this was quite amusing to watch.

In the end of this race against burnt food, the mince was overcooked in some parts and in others had red parts still, the rice was super dry and browned, the vegetables however where the best part of the food progress, I guess that's due to the fact he just had to cut them and not cook them. Picking up the now prepared food, you clung to your dear life that this doesn't kill you, eating it you mentally prepared to swallow as your brother stares at you, pleading eyes that he did a good job.

My face was pale, white and I felt lightheaded, I swallowed and grabbed the nearest bottle of liquid I could find. Glupping it down and taking a breath. Kirmineko was happy though that I was able to eat something he made.

"next time bro," I say still trying to hold the food in my stomach " leave the cooking to me please"

He understood and started cleaning up his mess, forgetting the stove was still on and burning his upper arm. (Y/N) panicked and raced to his side, turning off the stove and grabbing his arm, pulling it towards her she applied pressure and activate one of her quirk's abilities. The burn starts to heal as the make slowly disappears. (Y/N) stands up and continues the cleaning process while she demands her brother to sit down on the island table, which he reluctantly does so. Picking up the dishes and placing them in the sink (Y/N) heads towards the fridge and grabs out two premade lunch boxes and some eggs, placing them on the counter, turning towards the dishes in the sink.

"You are sooooo prepared sis!" Kirmineko says as he grabs his name labelled lunch box and inspects through it. "Man, your such a mum" he stated as he starts listing the points in his head as to how you are like a motherly figure. You give him a tsk to his comment, knowing that it's true.

You see I was like a mother, our father was always out doing research work for a company with super high tech, so he was hardly home to cook or clean for us. Mum, well she was never around. Kirmineko and dad both hardly talk about her and when she's brought into the topic they always something along the lines of 'she was a lovely wife/mother' or 'she died a hero', which I guess must be true, she was a worldwide known hero, working for agencies across the globe. Sadly, she died on one of her missions in Australia. It's kinda sad to think about it, so I don't try to bring it up or ask about her. The reason as to why I don't remember anything about her. She died when I was 3 and my brother was 8. So while my brother was studying in the UA support course and trying to get into UA, I was handling the cleaning and cooking of home, usually self-taught and learnt from books I borrowed at the local library, I spent a lot of my alone time improving my cooking abilities, I was not always a great cook, I still remember cooking something that made coal look more appetizing.

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