Chapter 4- Final Term

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We exit the apartment zone and Izuku grabs my arm looking me dead in the eyes, with the most serious look on his face. He rubs his fingers over my hand, trying to soothe himself down. He was filled with anger and shame, shame that you, who he considered a stranger or just an acquaintance that would leave him once you figured out that he was quirkless and useless like everyone else did and join the rest of the students. 

But from seeing the display with Kachan and you, his perspective of you changed, he felt like you were different from the rest, but didn't know why or what it was just yet. He was ashamed that he couldn't stick up for you or cut in, he felt slightly useless, but you smiled. You smiled in the face of fear, he noticed your hands trembling when you turned to him this morning, but you hid it behind a bright smile. He couldn't help but somewhat admire you, for you reminded him of his favourite smiling hero.

"I'm sorry" Izuku started losing his once determined features, moving his gaze to his feet, loosening his grip on your hand letting them drop to his sides. 'I feel so pathetic' was all the green-haired boy thought, as he tried to hold back tears. You grab his hands, bring them to yours grasping them with a tight squeeze, this caused the distressed boy to look up at you, eyes on the verge of tears meeting your smiling gaze. Your eyes sparkled and shined compared to his, he was crying now letting the tears fall."ha-ha aww Midoriya thank you for caring for me but I'm fine see," you say as chirpy as a bird, moving your hand under his chin to look back at you again. He meets again with your burnt check and you showed him that you could heal it and get rid of the pain, but you didn't want to. 

At first, he was super confused but decide not to say anything, you continued by stating that if you want to become a hero you must continue through with the scars of your past, and this will be a reminder to you that violence is never the answer, nor is POW to someone's face. Earning a sad laugh from Izuku with your humour. You couldn't help but be honest, you didn't care about the scar all that much but seeing your friend in this state, you felt like you had to. You left the scare there, wanting it to stay as a reminder to not trust people so easily, cause the truth is, that Blonde boy will always see what he did to you and will regret it, that he fell into that category.

During the walk, it seemed he trusted you more, enough to tell you about his relationship as a child with Bakugo or well Kacchan as he nicknamed him which by the way was pretty cute. As he was talking the way he was describing 'Kacchan' as an inspiration to him and wished they were still close like they were as kids. It kinda reminded me of Denki and myself, when I first moved away from our home town or when we had our petty fights, but it never got that bad between us... especially if they were that close why did Kachan suddenly change towards Izuku.

He told you about him being quirk less and how he was pretty low on the social status at school getting bullied all the time, "I'd understand if you don't want to be friends with me since I don't have a quirk" he started "plus I don't want you to be placed in the same category as me" he finished hanging his head low. I stopped walking and looked up at the sky, smiling and a slight hum exited my lips. The city atmosphere was around us, people walking by minding their own business.

I hummed at his statement tapping my feet on the ground, waiting for the Izuku to acknowledge my actions which he didn't, so I continued. "I (Y/N) (L/N) hereby declare!" I start exaggerating every word that leaves my mouth causing the boy to stop walking and look back at me, with a confused look on his face as to what the hell I was doing.

 "what are you-" I cut him off with a scream, pointing a figure at his figure, "to be Midiyora Izuku's best friend through and through, quirk less or not! We shall both achieve our goals hand and hand!!" you declared to him with a smirk on your face, the green-haired boy blushed at your sudden change in nature. 

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