Stop Being an ass(Tsukishima)

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(Welcome to My first chapter.  I hope he's not too out of character let's see how it goes.). 

    "Can you please help me with my homework!"
The redhead said next to you "Why can't you ask tsukishima"  (y/n) Asked annoyed he's been helping them for the past week And was getting a little worn out by it.
"I did! But he always says no.." Hinata Says in disappointment.
(Y/n) Sighs And begin to help them with their homework again..

After two hours has passed from studying They had to pack up. volleyball practice was about to start and Hinata Did not want to miss it.   "You should help me after practice (y/n)!" The redhead said bouncing in excitement. 
(Y/n) Really didn't want to but except it anyways. He followed the red head to the gym So he can chill out for an hour or so before having to deal with Hainata again.
He entered the gym and sit on the bleachers And watch the other boys practice. (Y/n) Wasn't in the volleyball team but they still knew him very well.  he came to every game and watch them practice sometimes. He's not a creeper anything he just finds a way to kill time Besides he's friends with A lot of the members Including Tsukisma Which he feels especially close with. He May be an ass but he still fun to be around. (Y/n) Finds himself casually just glancing at Tsukisma He can't help it. It's something about the Tall blonde man that intrigued him. Just by the way that he talks and walks just make Him fall for him even more. (Y/n) and Tsukisma Have been friends since the start of the school year And didn't really wanna ...ruin that. Say it's cheesy but it's true.

After practice was done (y/n) Got their stuff ready to head out of the gym But was stopped By no other than the bean stock himself. You felt something off like something wasn't right but you could've put your finger on it so you ignored it.
" yea there Shrimp You're not going off with That other shrimp again are you" Tsukisma Said in a sassy tone.  (y/n) Rolled their eyes
" yea And I wouldn't have to someone would help him study "
Tsukisma Put his hand on his hip
"Well you know you don't have to but I guess you can't seem to say no"
(y/n) Shrugs "If you want to hang out with me that badly you could come and help me study
I have the English test tomorrow"
(Y/n) Does jazz hands. Tsukisma sighs In defeat And agreed to help him. All three of them decided to head over to (y/n) House to study.

"Home sweet home!" The (h/c) Haired boy Said as he drops his bag by his desk. The three of them studied for a total of Three or four hours Before Hinata Tapped out and decided to head home for the day. (Y/n) Tapped his pencil against the desk and pure boredom He had stop studying a little bit ago but Tsukishima Still kept going. "Heeey Tsukishima "
(Y/n) Pouted Putting his head on the males shoulder. "What do you want now shrimp" Tsukishima Said a bit annoyed. (Y/n) smile "Weeell I was wondering what's your favorite food or dessert"
Tsukishima Turns to him suspiciously But turns back and ignores it. "Are you purposely trying to distract me (y/n)-kun "

(Y/n) Dramatically gasped "Well I would never dream of doing that"
Tsukishima Started to ignore
(y/n) "heey You never answered my question" (y/n) To pout more.
Tsukishima Slowly turned his chair around facing The (h/c) Haired boy. "What is it do you really want" He said in a serious tone that startled (y/n) "I don't know what you something wrong" (y/n) Sounded worried "Don't play dumb with me This is the first time we actually hung out in weeks Then you try to act like nothing happen!" (Y/n) Looked at Tsukishima Nervously And fumbled with his fingers he has been ignoring him for a little bit he was just scared of getting a little bit too close. Tsukishima Realized how harsh the tone of his voice became in spoke more softer "I'm just frustrated..." Tsukishima Said as he turned his head away

(Y/n) Thought he should confess although it's not the way he wanted it to go it sounded like the best thing to do. (Y/n) Voice became more Nervous by the second and was stuttering quite a lot "well I-I like you f-for Quite some time..a-and I Didn't w-want to get too close an-" (y/n) Was suddenly brought into a hug. At first it was stiff the beginning But then started to relax. "Stop being an idiot" Tsukishima Said As he cupped his cheeks Putting his forehead on his. "I will when you stop being an ass" (y/n) Chuckled a bit. Tsukishima Smiled one of his rare smiles "shut up Shrimp"
He says as he pulls (y/n) Into a soft kiss . (Y/n) Breath hitched But quickly kiss back As he was in a blushing mess. Tsukishima Pulled away And ruffles (y/n) Hair. "So I'll take that as a yes"
(y/n)smiled hopefully.

"Sure Just stop ignoring me".....

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