Kageyama (Sticky notes)

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Valentine's Day or as (y/n) Would say card day.
While everyone was giving candy to their friends or even confessing to their crushes (y/n) Couldn't see the Point in it so instead he took Sticky notes or rips off a piece of paper And write nice things on. it was more fun that way.
He started only giving them to his friends But soon started to give them to random strangers that passed by him or even in someone's locker.
Then (y/n) Took it a step further and started to do this any day of the week Like it was some ritual.

"Hey look!" One of (y/n) friends looked down to pick up something that fell out of his bag.
"One of your sticky notes must have fell"
(Y/n) Turned around To look at the green sticky note
"That's funny I don't think I ever bought green sticky notes"
(Y/n) Opened the sticky note and realize it wasn't his handwriting it was someone else's.
"WOW Look someone gave me one back!!!I knew this day would come!!!"
Without even reading it (Y/n) jumped in enjoy as he held the Sticky note up high.Unfortunately the sticky note had no name on it so he didn't know who it was but it was the thought that counts.

I hope you have a good day and stuff. Anyways thanks for the note you gave me

"Admirer" (y/n) softly said to him self As he started to walk home.
Once (y/n) was in his room he pondered over who the note was from. But in the end he couldn't figure it out.
The next day he received another note but instead of at the end of the day he found it at the end of lunch. Once (y/n)  found this out
A plan formed in his head.
He would eat lunch near his locker so he can catch his "Admirer". That was (y/n) Ultimate plan and it had to work.
He let the rest of the day pass him by like nothing and waited till the next morning.


No one came.

The mission was a failure and it made (y/n) a bit sad but he won't let it break his spirit! He was going to find this person no matter what the cost! He thought this as he started to walk to class but as being a person with bad luck he immediately bumped into someone
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!"
Said the blonde haired girl as she tried to gather the papers that she had dropped
"No I'm sorry let me help yo-"
(Y/n) paused immediately and turned his head looking at it for a few seconds. Then he took something out of his pocket and placed it on the paper

" it's a match!!"

(Y/n) jumped up in joy as he looked at the female beside him

" you have to tell me who this handwriting!!"
The blonde haired woman looked super nervous and started to move her hands really fast.

" i'm sorry I'm not quite sure what you're talking about?!?"

The (h/c) haired boy paused for a second and told her about the sticky notes that he has been receiving. Once he was done telling her the blonde hair girl told you his name and also give you useful information on where to find him. So here (y/n) was waiting for the volleyball team practice to end. He was holding the two sticky notes that "kageyama" gave to him at least he thought it was he wasn't sure yet but he would find out soon.
Soon the doors open and out came a bunch of the volleyball players.
The way The blonde haired girl explained his appearance was
" tall with black hair and a scary expression" and that's what he had to go off of..

" hey are you lost"
A brown haired man with a gentle smile started to walked up to him

"Um will y-yes I was wondering if
Kageyama was here"

The brown haired man tapped one of his teammates shoulder then a black haired male starts walking towards (y/n) .
" are you Kageyama "
Panic can be heard in his Voice
"Pff..maybe" The Black haired man was clearly nervous.
" well were you the one who wrote me these" he held up two sticky notes in his hands like they were cards. Kageyama looked surprise.
" but h-how" he said as (y/n) saw his face grow brighter and brighter shade of red
" so it was you!" The (h/c) haired boy exclaimed in excitement.
The boy name kageyama just turn his head to the side in embarrassment.
"So.. what if it was m-me"  kageyama puffed out his cheeks
As he looked down at the ground
" that means we can be friends!...you are the first one who gave me a sticky note back"
He said with excitement in his voice. (Y/n) patiently waited for the black haired boy to respond

" I wouldn't mind that..."

{ i'm really sorry I haven't been posting i've been busy lately.
And for those of you who requested I am getting to those and I'm sorry it's taking so long
Also thank you for reading this chapter that means a lot to me
Till next time have a wonderful day!!!}

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