Snap, snap

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Please ignore the grammatical mistakes, thank you.


*One hour prior*

"Are you sure about this, Ven?", her friend asked when Vanessa stood near the edge of the hill.

She had rope tied to her waist, which she had been gripping quite tightly despite the fact that she's excited more than but scared.

The harness easily wrapped around her curves on her thighs and waist, as she adjusted her helmet one more time. She glanced at her worried friend. Vanessa grinned. "I'll be fine. It doesn't take that much time. If you're scared, then just close your eyes for a minute or two, yeah?"

The girl rolled her eyes as a response. "Whatever".

The employee standing beside Vanessa gave her the gear she needed and he checked if the screw gate and rope are tightened or not.

Vanessa turned her head quickly towards some group of men standing a few feet away from her, howling and whistling to themselves.

She saw one of them getting ready by putting on a harness around himself, his back facing her.

She let out a sigh and glanced at her climbing rope and gripped it tightly.
Her boots scraped roughly at the end point of the hill as she stared at the descender for a while. She let out a heavy sigh and adjusted herself one last time before lowering herself.

Vanessa heard a soft gasp from her friend's throat. She let out a chuckle at that and lowered even more.

She balanced herself shakily as she looked downwards every second of time.

Her heart beat rapidly and she felt like it would rise up to her throat.

The girl felt adrenaline rush to every thread of her veins as she took a long step downwards. She let out a nervous chuckle, and a soft 'woo!'

After a few minutes, she changed her course to the jumar (ascender) and gripped onto the screw gate a little tightly.

Lowering is not that much scary compared to ascending, she noted to herself.

She glanced back at the wallflowers growing out of the hill, which is opposite to the hill she was climbing onto.

She gripped onto some boulders here and there, the adrenaline rush not fading even a slight bit.

She spared a glance at the ground below, she may be about 50-60 ft above the ground. She gulped.

Vanessa is not scared of heights when looking down but, she's not looking outside of a building now, is she?

One small mistake in the gear she is holding, there's a chance for her developing acrophobia in the future.


While she was on her way upwards, her heart felt like it's gonna stop after hearing a loud snapping sound. A snap sound of a rope breaking.

She didn't even get the chance to look up when she heard echoes of manly screams and a whipping sound of a rope.

"What the-"

Her voice got cut off with a force crushing into her, making her body stumble back into the hill she was climbing, hitting some bumpy boulders stuck in it. Her body then rolled-with stumbling and rocks painfully piercing into her sides-to the side of the hill, facing the opposite rocky hill with a narrow distance.

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