It's 'in' air, mah dude!

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Please ignore the grammatical mistakes, thank you.


"Um it's okay. Don't feel bad, it's just---uh natural, yeah natural", she mumbled.

The ravenette didn't reply then she fell silent. He's clearly flustered.

They both badly want to change the conversation but didn't know what to say to the other.

"Hey,I didn't see your face!", she let out surprisingly.

"How do you even look?", she asked.
He thought for a moment and said, "You'll see me up there".

Vanessa panicked, "W-What? I don't want to die yet"
"No no, I uh---don't mean it like---that", he replied, "You'll see me up---up...on the hill".

"Oh, oh! Yeah hah my bad, sorry".

"So we're stuck on air, eh?"
She let out a giggle at his accent and the grammatical error.

"Not to be that person but, we're in air. Not on air, but yeah either way, we are".

She soon felt bad that he may have been embarrassed at her correction.
She regretted saying it.

"Sorry I didn't mean to---you know, hurt you".
"Oh no, it's ok. That's fine".
She hummed, "So what's your name? Please don't tell me that I'll hear it up there".

He chuckled into her ear, "Yeah you'll hear it up there".

"Ugh! Fine but I'm telling you mine, though. Just only my name. I, too will show my face after we get the rescue", she sneered.

"Name's Vanessa. I'll call you Gummy Bear".
"Gummy Bear, why?", he laughed at the sudden name.

The pair kept their minds off the situation they're stuck in because they needed it till the help comes.
They still have that fear etched on their hearts but didn't want to show it and scare the other.

"Because you're squishy like a bear. But you're not bulky like it. I feel that you're about my height and I don't want to call you just a Bear, you know what I'm sayin' ?"

His shoulders shook slightly with his laughter. She felt soft knowing that he has a habit of unknowingly bobbing his shoulders while laughing.

"Yeah, ok. Gummy Bear, then",he replied in that foreign accent of his.

"So,how old are you?"
"How old are you?"

She huffed at the question but replied.

The ravenette snickered and remained silent.

"What? Are you like forty or something?", she asked smiling, confused.
"What if I am?"

"If you were younger,I would've---" , she debated for a second and said, "I would've hugged you even tighter", she replied smugly.

Suddenly, the guy gripped her tightly making her flustered at the contact.

He laughed out loud when she stuttered.

"Do you have any---regrets?", she asked quietly after a few minutes of laughs and silence.

"You don't?", she frowned.
"No. I want to uh....prove myself.... to my parents. I did", he replied slowly, correcting his English in his mind.

"Oh. What do you do?", she asked curiously.
"I sing. I'm a singer", he replied calmly.

Vanessa let out a surprised gasp.
"You are!?"
"Yeah", he stopped himself from asking a question that if she knows him, but smiled smug and stayed silent.

𝐎𝐧 𝐀𝐢𝐫 ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ