Part 5

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Just as Summer clicked the red button to hang up Madelyn rushed through her door in a matter of seconds. To someone who didn't live there, it may have seemed as if the girls lived in the same apartment, which they used too. Once Madelyn and Chase started getting closer Summer offered to move in with Austin and Drew. But that is beside the point. 

"Drew fucking Starkey asked you on a date?"

"Yes, but I don't know where we are going so..."

"Fun, well, either way, I'm going to make you look amazing," Madelyn says causing Summer to laugh.

"Yea, I know you are,"

After about 45 minutes of digging through Summer's closet, another 20 in doing her makeup, and 15 while doing her hair, Madelyn was done her magic. 


"Why thank you ma' am." Summer and Madelyn laugh at their stupidness

"You really did amazing."

"Aw thanks, but its time for pictures!" Madelyn says ash she starts pushing Summer out of the door. "No looking, Starkey. A very hot woman coming through."

"Jeeze bossy much?" Drew asks as they pass his room.



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Thank you so much madelyncline for making me look and feel amazing

Tagged: madelyncline

557K likes 3.5k Comments

User735: You always look amazing 


Madelyncline: Ma'am you look fire.


Drewstarkey: Woah...

Madelyncline: NOOOOOOOOO

User5238: No what?

Summerroland: He wasn't supposed to look, but thank you @drewstarkey 

User234: why not? @summerroland


"He wasn't supposed to look," Madelyn says while she is putting the finishing touches on Summer's hair.

"Mads, it's ok, he's going to see me in like five minutes."

"But it's not going to be a surprise anymore."


"You're annoying."

"Love you two bitch."

"Shut up... now go, he's probably waiting for you." Mads says with a laugh. Just as Summer's about to open the door there's a knock. She opens the door to revel Drew standing there in a T-shirt and jeans.

"Hi," Summer says blushing,

"Hi." Drew responds. They stand there for a few seconds in silence.

"Can y'all please stop and just go one your date?" Madelyn asks while walking out.

"Maybe." Summer says with a smirk.

"Have fun... but don't have to much fun," Madelyn says at the door.

"Thank you Mads," Drew says walking over to shut the door.

"But if you do have to much fun, make sure to use protection, we don't need any little Summer or Drews running around."

"Stop." Summer says as Madelyn laughs and leaves. "Sorry about her." Summer says awkwardly.

"Oh no its fine, Austin pretty much told me the same thing."

"Oh." Summer laughs.

"So are you ready?" Drew questions motioning the door.

"Oh yea..." 


A/N, sorry this one is short but hope you enjoy, and drop a vote plz

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