Chapter Nine

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Unexpected Visit

I felt a powerful slap on my left cheek, which made me pause abruptly. The sheer force of Mrs. Easton's strike left me with a partial sense of deafness. What an eventful day it had been.

She stared upon me fiercely, her anger evident in both her tone and piercing gaze, "What have you done?!" as she demanded. I closed my eyes tightly, purely to regain composure, before lifting my head and meeting her gaze.

"Nothing." I answered, "I have no idea what you are saying, Mrs. Easton." I added it clearly to her.

She just showed up at our house, and I rushed out the door to open it for her. However, her grumpy attitude suddenly dawned on me, and for no apparent reason, she slapped me right away. What the heck?

"Did I clearly express to you that I don't like you around my son?" she stated. "Yes, it's very clear to me. You even pointed at my face while mentioning it," I quickly replied.

"Anyway, if you don't have anything else to say, can you please leave me alone for now, Mrs. Easton?" I insisted, trying to ignore the slap that still stung.

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "Do you even know what Kenji did to us? For Pete's sake," she exclaimed, clearly stressed. However, I was even more stressed about what Kenji had done the previous night.

I woke up in the morning to a flood of missed calls and text messages from Keira, which caught me off guard and left me feeling surprised and bewildered. I wondered what could possibly be happening.

Without wasting any time, I searched for Keira's number on my phone and dialed it. The phone rang multiple times, but she didn't answer, leaving me feeling increasingly anxious.

Determined to reach her, I made another attempt to call, yet she remained unresponsive. Feeling a mix of worry and frustration, I turned to my phone's messaging app and began typing a message to her.

Me: "Keira, please try to answer my call now."

I quickly sent the message and noticed the typing indicator, indicating that she was composing a reply.

Keira: "I'll call you back later. Mom has lost it, and she's acting crazy." She responded.

Me: "Okay, fine. Just don't keep me waiting."

After the conversation ended, I walked around my room, preparing to take a morning shower. Meanwhile, Xian and Shawn were still fast asleep on my couch. I had no intention of waking them up, allowing them to continue their peaceful slumber. It was early, and we had stayed up quite late the night before.

I was leisurely gathering the items I needed when I heard a knock on my door. "Breakfast's ready!" a voice shouted from outside.

"Shut up," I grumbled, recognizing Kurt's loud voice. "Erol cooked for us!" Renzo chimed in, the two of them making for a lively wake-up call in the morning.

Just as I was about to open the door for them to come in, Xian beat me to it. "Tangina naman oh," he groaned, hurling pillows at the faces of the two standing at the doorway. "Ang ingay niyo naman, pre," he added.

Kurt and Renzo retaliated, using the pillow I hadn't noticed Xian had in his hands. "That means, bro, it's time to wake up," Renzo remarked. "Kasi hindi ka na mahal 'non." Kurt chimed in, joining the laughter.

Xian hung his head, and I noticed Shawn waking up. He approached Xian and tapped his shoulder. "You okay, bro? Feline rejected you again, twenty times," Shawn said.

Shawn's words made me furrow my brow, so I looked at him and mouthed, "What's going on?"

"How many times has that happened before?" Kurt commented. "What did you do, Xian?" I interjected.

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