6- "Deal."

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The next morning, Mabel and Dipper, mostly Mabel, had somehow talked Nico into taking a tour around town. I politely refused to go, but, being the wonderful girlfriend I was, said that Nico would go, which started all of that.

And me, being the spy I was raised to be, decided to look through the kids' stuff.

And most of the stuff I found was normal, well for the most part, and not THAT strange.

Except the book.

The book with a gold hand and the number three on it. The book that had a whole lot of creatures in it.

And I believed the book was true. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing ever.

That's when I realized how dangerous this place was. There was no way we could stay here a whole summer.

And even worse, I realized the dream demon, might be right.

"Well, well, well, look who finally noticed I was right."

I turned around and saw Cipher.

"What do you want?" I sneered.

"Why so hostile? Can't a demon visit whenever they want?"

"If you heard what you just said, you would know why I'm doubting that."

"Look, you and I both know that Gravity Falls is a dangerous place. You could get hurt, your boyfriend could die, and no one wants that, right? So I'll make a deal with you. I'll protect you while you're here, and you get me what I want. Deal?"

"Why should I trust you? You've threatened me before, so what's with the sudden change?"

"Come one, I'm offering protection! Why does it matter? So, we got a deal?"

He stretched out his arm out toward me, his hand glowing with blue fire.

I grabbed his hand.



Oh, look. Another short chapter.

At least I got the point across.

Anyways, next few chapters will be kinda dark, but if you watch Gravity Falls anyways, you should be used to that.

(Sock Opera, anyone? Or Dreamscaperers? Any episode with Bill, and sometimes Gideon?)

So yeah, bye.

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