8- "This is just torture.."

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You know those annoying people who just nag and nag, and makes your head want to explode?

Yeah, that's me right now, except I have an annoying dream demon actually in my head.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, where have you been the past seven chapters?

Oh wait, yeah, the forth wall. Forgot about that.

Anyways, I currently had control over my body.

Yeah, according to Bill, the only way I would shut up, was if he gave me control of my body, but with the occasional possession....

I guess I was less irritable...

But still, it's weird having a demon in your head.

'I need to tell Nico. Or the Pines kids..' I thought.

'No! You can't tell them.

'You can't tell me what to do!'

I could FEEL his agitation.

Was I that aggravating?


'Shut up.'

"Hey Nico."


"We need to talk to the kids. When You three left, I did a little snooping."

"Fine, but you have to call them down here."

I sighed. "Fine, be right back."

I walked up the stairs and went to open the door, but stopped when I heard the two kids talking.

"Mabel, I can't find the journal!"

"It was on your bed!"

"I know it was, but now it's not."

"We have to find the journal."

I opened the door, and they stopped their conversation.

"What's up guys?" I asked them.

"N-nothing." stuttered Dipper.

"What'cha need?" Mable asked.

"Me and Nico need to talk to you guys. Can you two come down?"

Dipper and Mabel nodded and came down with me.

"So what's up?" Dipper asked.

Me and Nico looked at each other.

"You tell them."

"Why should I have to? This is your job!"

"But you're my boyfriend."

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"Ok! What is going on?" Dipper asked.


"Oh come on, it can't be that bad!" Mabel said.

"Ok first off, what journal?" I asked the two.

"What journal? There's no journal!" Dipper said.

"You can't lie to me, Dipper."

"Fine! There's a journal that explains all the weird and creepy things about Gravity Falls, but I lost it!"

I sighed, "No you didn't, Dipper." I pulled the book out from under my pillow.

"I have it," I said and handed it back to the boy.

"Why did you take my journal?"

"Well, it's actually a long story-"

"We're not human," Nico said.

"Just drop the bomb on them, why don't ya.."

"W-What do you mean you're not human?" Dipper asked.

"What are you?" said Mabel.

"Well, we're human, but we're not at the same time."

"We're demi-gods, so we're not some monsters that are going to kill you."

"Uh, what's a demi-god?" asked Mabel.

I thought for a moment. "Um, do you know Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse mythology? Or at least some of it?" I asked the two.

"Um yeah, I mean, who doesn't at east know a little bit?" said Dipper.

"True. Well, demi-gods are the children of a god and a human. Which I guess that means, Nico's a demi-god, but I'm not.." I turned and looked at Nico.

"What exactly am I, anyways?"

"A weird hybrid type thing, I don't know."

"Anyways, Nico is the son of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld and ruler of the dead, which gives him power over the dead. I'm the daughter of Hecate, Greek goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge, and necromancy, and also the daughter of Loki, the Norse god of mischief, madness, and evil. Well, that's what he's the god of in this universe. Not sure about others. Like the real world, what is he there?"


While Aria was questioning things beyond the forth wall, Mabel and Dipper slid over by Nico, who was ignoring the usual behavior of his girlfriend.

"Um, is she ok?" asked Mabel.


"Is she a little, you know, crazy?" Dipper asked.

"Possibly. I doubt it though. She just has a very clear sense of reality. She started this about a year ago when she had to get a blood transfusion. A friend of her's, a mercenary called Deadpool, gave her blood. He went crazy after this experiment thing, and it was transferred to her through the blood. So, nobody we know really questions it."

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing, so stop arguing, you're giving me a headache." Aria said, suddenly.

"Um, A?"

"Sorry, voices."

"What this time?" Nico asked, smirking at the freaked out look on the two kids faces.

"The normal, how I need to stop breaking the forth wall. The other was saying they didn't care, and then the two started arguing."

"Which one said they didn't care?"

"The italic one."

"Listen to the bold one."

"K, anyways, that's what we are, but you two know who the Avengers are, right?" Aria asked, breaking from her rant.

"Yeah! They're superheros!" Mabel said.

"Can you guys name the members?" Aria challenged.

"Thor," said Dipper.


"The Hulk."

"Captain America."

"Black Widow."


"And then there's the newer one, Isis."

"Well guess what?" Aria smirked.

"What?" said the twins.

"I'm Isis."



So, that's chapter 8. In the next chapter, serious stuff will start to go down.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait, I just had no idea how to finish this chapter.

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