Part 10: Pothole to...hell

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"And that's not it," Sean continues.

"There's more?" Chelsea snorts standing up, as the girls look at Sean.

Sean turns around and steps closer to the bookshelf as Chelsea and Leya give each other the quizzical look.

He takes a book out and puts it on the table and as he takes the second book out, something shifts in the room, underneath their feet, like a gear in and out of place. Leya stares at the bookshelf, awaiting to possibly see her first built in secret room behind a bookshelf. A few seconds pass and the bookshelf doesn't move. She looks over at Chelsea and their faces mirror with the same confusion. Sean puts the second book down and steps back to the table. He leans onto the table and starts pushing, forward in Leya's direction. Chelsea looks at Leya confused, but leans in, helping Sean push.

Leya stands up and drags the chairs, including the one she was seated in, out of the way.

When they're done pushing the desk, right in the middle where the desk was, Sean removes the small rug on the floor that was underneath the table and like a misplaced puzzle piece, the wood on the floor looks like it has been carved out and placed back. Sean forces the "carved out" wooden piece of the floor to slide underneath the rest of the floor and they're left staring down a shower sized hole leading who knows where.

"There's also this," he continues out of breath.

"What the fuck," Chelsea is the first to speak between the two.

"I really expected a moving bookshelf and secret room," Leya confesses looking at Sean and then back at the hole, "not a pothole descending to hell."

"What is it?" Chelsea asks.

Sean sticks his hand into the hole and a few seconds later light emerges from inside the hole, "I don't know," he says looking into the hole, "I found it yesterday, after I found the watch."

"Do you know what's down there or who's down there?"

"That's why you guys are here."

The girls look at him in disbelief and then back at each other, again with mirrored faces.

"You want us to go done there? Are you out of the bloody mind?" Chelsea scoffs walking around the hole, try to get a better view of what's down there.

"Well I wasn't going to go down there on my own yesterday. What if something had happened and I had been trapped done there?"

"Well I'm not going down there. Chelsea?" Leya asks her friend.

"You and Chelsea don't have to, you just have to make sure I don't get stuck down there."

"I'll come with you," Chelsea smiles at Sean, as Leya sends daggers through her skull.

Sean takes a torch out his pocket and places it onto the ground. He grabs onto the two metals just slightly poking out of the hole, which Leya can only assume make up a ladder, and Sean lowers his body in.
Never in her wildest dreams did Leya ever imagine that the path to hell would be made off a ladder.
With his torso lowered down the hole and only his head still visible, Sean grabs the torch with one hand and turns it on. As soon as his body is submerged, Chelsea kneels down and slips her one leg into the hole ready to follow him. Leya pulls onto her scarf, forcing Chelsea to look at her.

"What?" Chelsea exclaims, already submerging her body.

Leya let's go off the scarf and pokes her head into the open space, as she watches her friends descend.
There is just something about following a boy down a dark hole, whilst in search of his "didn't-really-runaway" father that doesn't sit right with Leya and possibly with other people as well.

Mending a broken heart.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα