Part Eighty Nine

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New Year's came and went, and it all felt so surreal. Adlyn was thrilled she had made it, but she couldn't see how she'd done it.

That day, it was just a normal wintry one. It was still break. Adlyn woke up around 8 and really needed to use the bathroom, but she didn't want to wake Eve up.

I can do this.

She uncovered herself, got herself out of bed. She grabbed the railings on the wall, leaning on them heavily.

I can do this. It can't be that hard. Dammit it hurts.

And it was true. She almost never used her legs anymore, and her muscles were screaming.

One step. Right foot. Left foot. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. But as she was stepping again, she stumbled.

Catch yourself! It was all Adlyn could think.

But she fell. Grabbing the rails again, she pulled herself onto her knees, and then, onto her feet. She was almost there... the bathroom was in the room... She could do this.

Left, right. Left, right. Left, right. Seven more steps. Left, right. Left, right. Five more. Right. Left. Right. Left. Three more. Right, left, right, left. Right, left.

You're in the bathroom, now make it to the toilet.

She made it. She fumbled with her pajama bottoms, but then she slipped.


Luckily, she didn't mess herself. She stood up, only to collapse on the toilet seat.

That was so damn difficult.

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