Chapter XV

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Later on that day Zac came over. Bellamy answered the door when Zac showed up. Jackson had to talk Bellamy into letting Zac in. Zac and I went into my room but Bellamy insisted on keeping the door open. Zac and I sat on the floor.

"How come you're just now finding out about Bellady?" Zac asks. I laugh. How is it possible he cant get his name right?

"It's Bella-MY for the hundredth time!" I laugh harder. "Anyway, Jackson told me just now because I needed a legal guardian."

"I thought you were waiting until Jackson could be your legal guardian?"

"I was. I mean we were. The day we got frozen yogurt, when you ditched me. That day I found out I have Attention Deficit Disorder. I needed meds so they can help me concentrate. I can only get the meds with my parents and or legal guardians. This was a problem until she pulled me from my honors classes and put me into extended english. As it turns out Bellamy can't be my legal guardian until he provides for me for 3 months. And I dropped out of school and I'm going to be attending West-ridge."

"So you have ADD?" He asks.

"Yeah. Sadly." I sigh and close my eyes.

"Something else wrong?" Zac asks.

"I have had the worst headache all day." I complain.

"Did you take aspirin?" He asks coming closer to me.

"Yeah and they haven't done anything." I rub my eyes. "I'm going to go take out my contacts." I get up and go to the bathroom and tale them out and put on my glasses. I come back in my room. Zac is looking at the picture frames on my nightstand. When he seems me he comes running over and starts tickling me. He grabs me from behind and tickles my stomach I laugh uncontrollably.

"Stop Zac!" I laugh. He laughs at my laughter. I hear a snap and look up. He continues tickling me. I finally get him away and grab his phone from my dresser.

"Thats not fair." He says. I run away and down the hall as he chases me. I laugh the entire way. I run into Jackson's room and jump on his bed and run around his room and Zac chases me. I run out of Jackson's room and run down the stairs, Zac jumps the last couple steps and holds onto me.

"Let go!" I almost scream from my laughter. I have the biggest smile across my face. He swings me around so I'm facing him and he pushed me against the wall and pins my hands above my head. My laughter dies down and so does his. His eyes burn into mine. His eyes flicker down to my lips and he looks back up at me. I can feel his breath on my lips. His body is pressed against mine.

"What's going on?" Bellamy says angrily coming into the living room. Zac quickly pulls away.

"Nothing." I say.

"I think you should go." Bellamy snaps at Zac.

"Bellamy," I say slowly.

"It's fine Charlotte. I'll stop by tomorrow after school to see how your first day and West-ridge went." He gives me a hug which sends butterflies through my stomach. He pulls away and smiles. "See you later Bellacy." Zac says walking out the door.

"It's Bellamy!" Bellamy shouts at Zac as he shuts the door.

"Really Bellamy? I have done fine without you for the past 16 years. I know how to take care of myself!" I shout at him.

"If I wasn't here, he would have kissed you. Then you would have thought something of it. Then he would have broken your heart." Bellamy gets mad but with reason.

"Mom and dad were on their way to see you when they died. If you weren't here they would still be alive!" I scream at him and run up to my room.

I slam the door behind me and slide down against it. I cry. I hate crying. I hate it more than anything. But I can't help it. I bawl my eyes out. I fall asleep against my door. I hear banging on my door which is what wakes me up.

"Charlotte? Open the door. Charlotte I'm worried." I ignore Bellamy and lock the door. I fall back asleep on the floor.

I hear my door open but I'm too tired to move. I feel arms lift me up and put me on my bed. They pull the blanket over me and tuck me in.

"I'm sorry Charlotte." Bellamy whispers. He leaves my room shutting the door.

I wake up around 8pm and look at my phone. I had a picture from Zac. I open it and laugh. It was from earlier. He had his arms around me smiling down at me and I was smiling at the ground from him tickling me. I print it out and put it in a picture frame. I set it on my nightstand. I don't eat dinner. I don't want to eat anything since what happened. Every time I eat something it makes me sick to my stomach.

I fall back asleep. I wake up around 3 am. Man is it dark in my room. I go to turn on my light. It doesn't work. I get up and go to my light switch on the wall I flick it and it doesn't work I start freaking out. I run back to my bed.

"JACKSON!!!" I scream. I hear someone running into my room and bursting through the door. "Jackson is that you?!" I shout.

"It's Bellamy and Jackson, can't you see us?" Jackson says.

"No!" I shout again. I start feeling around my bed and putting my hands in front of my face. It's completely black.

"I'll go start the car can you help he downstairs?" Jackson says.

"I'm scared." I cry. I hear someone leave. "Is anyone there?" I say louder.

"I'm right here." Bellamy says. He puts his hand on my shoulder. I grab his arm helping me stand up.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier Bellamy." I cry.

"Don't worry about it." He swings me up into his arms so he's holding me bridal style. He sets me in the car as we drive to the hospital.

"Bellamy?" I say when he's holding me bring me into the hospital. "I know you don't like him. But can you call him for me please?" I ask.

"Of course." He says.

"Thank you." He sets me down on a cot and the lady asks a bunch of questions. Jackson fills her in on the surgery and my headache and what not. I feel the cot moving i grip onto the side of it. A bunch of doctors talk around me but it so confusing. I don't know if they're doctors or nurses.

I hear Bellamy on the phone.

"Zac? It's Bellamy... No I didn't call you to yell at you... Charlotte is in the hospital right now... We don't know... She went blind all of a sudden... I don't know, it's 3 in the morning are you sure you want to come down?... Alright see you soon."

"Can someone please tell me why the hell I can't see?!" I shout. I feel a needle go into my arm. "Ow!" I shout. "Can you warn me please!" I shout at them. "Damn that hurt." I mumble. "And can someone please reply to me so I know if you're there or not!" I shout again.

"We're waiting for the MRI to open up." Someone says. "And it just did so we're going to wheel you up there so we can get an image of your brain." The cot starts to move.

"Jackson?!" I shout.

"I'm right here." He puts his hand on mine. I fee his hand fade away when the nurse says,

"You can't be in the room when we do the MRI."

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