Chapter 2

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Things to know before you read:
(Y/N): your name
(L/N): last name
(N/N): nickname
(F/F): favorite food
(H/C): hair color
(H/L): hair length
(YT/N): YouTube name
(E/C): eye color
(F/S): favorite song
Italics: thoughts/dreams
Bold: yelling/screaming/notes from me

I left home around 6 and school didn't start till 8 so I had a few hours to just walk around listening to my music.
I make it to school when all the sudden the bell rang.
Just in time...
I started walking when I bumped into someone. Making me fall on my ass.
"I'm so sorry! Here let me help you" the stranger said holding their hand out
I look at their hand and hesitated.
Nobody's ever been this kind to me...should I give them a chance? NO Y/N! What are you thinking?!
"No thanks. I got it." I say standing up
I stood up and notice the stranger was a guy. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He's cute...UGH Y/N STOP!
Just then the bell rang. Again.
I walked away from the guy. Why? Because I'm already late.
"H-hey! Wait up!" The guy said
I just stopped in my tracks with my head down so he could catch up.
"I never got your name" he said once he caught up to me. We started walking again.
"'s (Y/N)...." I said.
"That's a beautiful name. My names Laurence." 'Laurence' said.
"We should also get to class. Don't worry, you won't get in trouble for being late. I'll just say you were lost and I helped you. I am a mentor after all." He adds

~time skip brought to you by Tablemau~

It's now the end of the school day. Thank Irene...
I started walking home when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Laurence and some other people.

"Hey Y/N!"
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends"
"Sorry, I um, have a lot of homework to get done." I lied backing away from him.
He didn't catch me lying and said "oh alright. Maybe another time"

~another time skip brought to you by... Christmas~

I make it home safe and sound. I noticed my mom was home too. I smile to myself and walk inside.

My moms the only best friend I have in my life. I didn't want to make friends because eventually i knew they would leave me. I

When I walked in, I saw my mom in the kitchen making dinner.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" I say putting my backpack on the couch.
"In the kitchen (N/N)"
I walk to the kitchen and see she's making my (F/F).
My eyes lit up with excitement. My mom sees my reaction and just laughs.

"How was school sweetheart?"
"It was alright. I was almost late but someone helped me." I say walking to the fridge grabbing a water
"Oh?" Mom says raising an eyebrow
"It's no one important. Anyways, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back by the time dinner is ready"
"Alright just remember to do your homework if you have any when you get back! Love you"
I walk out the door and start walking. I grab my headphones and plug them in. Then I turn on (F/S).

I sing along to it until it ends. Just then I turn around the corner and end up falling on my ass AGAIN! UGH WHAT IS WITH ME AND FALLING TODAY?!
I look up to see Laurence. Oh great...
"That's my name. Don't wear it out." I say getting up
I look at the time: 5:00
"Well, it was nice talking to you but I have to go."
"What is it?" I say impatiently. I'm super hungry.
"Can't I have your number?" He asks getting his phone out.
Seriously? We just met today at school and he wants my number?
"Why? We just met today." I say raising an eyebrow
"So we can hang out some time! You seem pretty cool."
"Sure I guess..."
I open my phone and go into my contacts and hit "add". I can see he's doing the same thing. We switch phones and I put my number in his phone while he puts his number in my phone. Then I hand him his phone back and he hands mine back.
"Nice to see you again (Y/N)"

~time skip~

"I'm home mom!"
"Good because dinners ready."
I make me and mom a plate while she picks a movie for us to watch. Once we finished our food and the movie, we went to our rooms. I had homework to do and mom had work.
I finish my homework and look at the time: 12:39am
I open my laptop and go to YouTube. I really wasn't in the mood to do a song so I went to the community page and explained that I will do one tomorrow. I posted it and shut my computer off.
Then, I got changed and went to bed.

I'm YoursUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum