Chapter 5

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Things to know:
(Y/N): your name
(L/N): last name
(N/N): nickname
(F/F): favorite food
(H/C): hair color
(H/L): hair length
(YT/N): YouTube name
(E/C): eye color
(F/S): favorite song
Italics: thoughts/dreams
Bold: yelling/screaming/notes from me

Laurence POV
I see y/n call on the ground screaming in pain. THAT'S IT!
"Oh my Irene! Y/n!" Aphmau screams, tears falling down her face
"Well, well, well. Look what we got here. Two of her friends are here. Don't worry, she'll be fine. Either she'll change, or she'll die." Peter says.
"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! GET OUT OF HERE!" I yell in a demonic voice.
He seems terrified from my demonic voice and leaves. I check on y/n, who is now on Aphmau's lap. She's crying and holding y/n like she's her sister.
"Aphmau, do you know anyone who can help?" I ask her, trying to keep calm.
"I-I might...let me call him." She says putting y/n down gently on the floor.
She steps outside and calls whoever she was talking about. I hear y/n moan in pain. I move a strand of hair out of her face. "Don't worry y/n. We'll get through this together."

Aphmau POV
I step outside and call the one guy I know who could help me. Aaron.

A-Aaron! I need you to come by y/n's place ASAP!
Aa-is everything ok?!
A-no! I can't explain it right now but I'll send you y/n's address.
Aa-alright. I'll come just send it.
A-I will. But hurry

As soon as I got off the phone with Aaron, I sent him y/n's address. Then I go back inside and tell Laurence that he'll come. I look at y/n, who's still in very deep pain.
I hope she's ok...

Aaron POV (new POV! Yay!)
After Aphmau called me, I got the address. I stole my parents keys to one of their cars and drove there. I hope y/n didn't do anything to Aphmau. She's the only thing I have that makes me happy.
I turned down her street and immediately got out of the car. I didn't see anybody.
"Aphmau?" I tell
Then I see a short figure walk out and hug me. I realized it was Aph. I hug her back and she starts crying.
"Aph? What's wrong?"
"I-it's y-y/n" she says through sobs
"Is she ok?" I ask
She's quiet then takes my hand and shows me to where I'm guessing y/n was.
She opens the door and I see y/n on Laurence's lap on the ground.
"What happened?"
"I wasn't here long enough to know everything that happened but I saw it." Laurence says
Laurence explains everything.
"And then her dad, Peter, had red eyes and looked at y/n and then next thing I know, she's on the ground screaming in pain." He finishes
My eyes go wide. Red eyes...screaming in pain...oh no...
I rush out the door and call Melissa.

Laurence POV
After I explain everything to Aaron, he rushes out the door. That's weird...
I look down to see y/n awake and still in very deep pain.
" your strength. You're in a lot of pain." I say petting her hair
"I-it hurts Laurence" she says tears falling out of her eyes
"Shh..." I kept saying. I couldn't bare to see her like this.
She just grabs my hand and holds it. I blush.
"P-promise to stay with me?" She asks
"Always." I say giving her hand a little squeeze
Then she screamed again. I try not to look too terrified so I look at the door instead. Hoping Aaron would come back with some explanation.
Aaron...hurry up...

Melissa POV (wow 2 new POVs in one day..)
I was in my room with Lucinda when I get an unsuspecting call from Aaron.
(In this book, Melissa and Lucinda are dating ;) )


A-Melissa I need your help.
M-Aaron calm down. Explain everything now.
A-*explains everything*
M-alright I'll be there in about 20 mins. Also, Lucinda knows and she's coming with me.
A-Ugh whatever just hurry

I hang up and explain to Lucinda and then we grab my keys and head out.

Aphmau POV
I hear Aaron say "Ugh whatever. Just hurry."
I wonder who he's talking to.
I shake that thought away. Let's wait till he comes and explains things.
"Uh, hey Aphmau, can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Aaron says
I walk outside with Aaron. He seems...worried. I wonder why.
"So listen. This is a lot to take in. Especially since its with y/n."
"Uh ok? Aaron is everything ok?" I ask, worried.
"No. Y/n...her father...was an Ultima. And they can't control their when they turn red...and look at people with their red eyes...turn other people, into werewolves.." he says
"So...y/n will be a werewolf now?" I ask, nervously
"Is that why you also wear a bandana over your eyes?" I ask bluntly
"U-uh w-what do you m-mean?!" He stutters
"Hehe just tryin to cheer myself up that's all. Will y/n be alright?" I ask on the verge of tears
"There's 2 things: when Ultima's look at people with their red eyes, they can either: 1) become a werewolf and 2) possibly die due to the extreme pain they're being put through."

Aaron POV
God damnit Aaron! Why did you say that?!
I look at Aphmau and she starts crying
"A-Aphmau..." i say, hoping she's not mad at me.
Next thing I know she's hugging me, and crying into my shirt. I hug her back and let her hair.
"Shhh..." I kept saying.
Honk! Honk!
I look behind me and see Melissa and Lucinda.
"Melissa! Thank Irene you're here!" I say WITH Aphmau still hugging me.
"I got here as fast as I could. What's going on? Oh and are you and Aphmau a thing?" She asks
"Melissa now is not the time! One of our friends needs help like NOW!" I say trying to cover up my blush and embarrassment
"Guys! She's getting worse!" I hear Laurence say

Hehe. Cliffhanger. Anyways, I wasn't sure if I was able to do this but. I did it. Yay~
See you guys either Friday or Saturday! (Depends on if I can do it after work and everything)

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