Chapter 3

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Things to know:
(Y/N): your name
(L/N): last name
(N/N): nickname
(F/F): favorite food
(H/C): hair color
(H/L): hair length
(YT/N): YouTube name
(E/C): eye color
(F/S): favorite song
Italics: thoughts/dreams
Bold: yelling/screaming/notes from me

I slammed the snooze button on my alarm clock and got out of bed.
I go to my dresser and pick out my outfit out.

 I go to my dresser and pick out my outfit out

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(This is your outfit)

Even though the school has uniforms, I don't like them so I wear my own style of clothes to school. I don't care if I get in trouble or not.

I go down stairs and see a note on the counter.

"Dear Y/N,
I had to go to work early and won't be back till tomorrow morning. I know you can take care of yourself, but I pre-made breakfast and dinner and they're already in the fridge. If you don't want what's in the fridge, in the envelope next to this there's some money so you can order something. I love you mijah.

I put the note down and grab the envelope, curious to know how much is in there. I see 5 $20 dollar bills. That should be enough...

I go to the fridge and see chocolate chip pancakes (or if you like different pancakes, you can change it to whatever you like) I grab 2 and heat them up. Then spread the butter and syrup on it.

~time skip~
I just got to school. I had to walk because my mom would occasionally drop me off when I felt like it.
I see a lot of people hanging around the water fountain and just around the school before school even started. I'm way too early...
I then decided to sit on the water fountain. I had no one to talk to. Well, the only person who would talk to me was Laurence.
Speaking of Laurence, I haven't seen him yet.
"Hi there!"
I look up to see a short, black haired girl with orange ish eye color.
"My name's Aphmau. What's yours?" She asks smiling
I hesitated before answering. Then I got this weird feeling about her. Like I...know her?
"My name is...Y/N..." I say
"That's a pretty name! Say, why are you sitting by yourself? Don't you have friends?"
Wow...she's pretty straight forward with these questions...
"I, um. Don't have any..."friends"..." I say, emphasizing the word "friends"
"Oh! Then in that case you wanna be friends with me? I can introduce you to my friends and then you'll have more friends!" She asks/says
Before I could answer, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to her group of friends.

"Hey guys! This is Y/N! Y/N, this Katelyn (points at the girl with blue hair), KC (points at the mefiwa girl with pink hair), Garroth (pointing at the boy with blonde hair), Lucinda (pointing at the girl with orange hair), Travis (pointing at the boy with white hair), Aaron (pointing at the boy with the red bandana over his eyes) and finally, Laurence."

"Hey Y/N" everyone said.

I backed up a little, freaked out that everyone talked all at once.
"Y/N, you ok?" Lucinda asked me
"Y/N doesn't talk much." Laurence says to everyone, coming by my side.
"So she's like a...mute or something?" Katelyn asks
"Katelyn!" Aphmau says hitting her
"Ow! Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude about it. I was just asking a question!" She says.

I smile, not to where everyone can see.
Could this be a start of a new life for me?

Laurence POV
I look out of the corner of my eye while Aphmau and Katelyn where arguing and saw Y/N smile.
She has a nice smile...

Hey guys! So sorry that I'm slow with updates. I have work and yada yada.
Anyways, see u guys later!
Also, keep up in the conversation tab on my profile.

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