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My jaw dropped. It's like my whole world stop. It's like everything froze except for the two of us. I can't believe that I saw that crazy pervert again and the worst part is, it's oppa's friend! I mean is the world that small for our paths to cross again?

"짜층나" (I'm annoyed) I sighed when I remembered how the dinner went. I was actually gonna forget what happened to us but his eyes and the way he smirked at me made me feel like he was taunting me! It's like he was saying "Don't you dare forget what happened that day!"

I sighed and opened my twitter account, I somehow needed to blow some steam off and talking to strangers really calms me.

ItsSrnJng: The world really has its own superb ways of pissing the hell out of me. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I tweeted and later on some of my virtual friends were asking what happened, if I'm okay and so on.

Just thinking about what happened earlier makes me want to see him again and give him a little piece of my mind. I face palmed when I remembered how rude I looked like.

"Uh—do you guys know each other?" Kuya Jherald asked when he noticed how long we were staring each other


We both said in unison and I looked at him with annoyance, everyone was looking at us back and forth and I wasn't comfortable with the attention I was getting.

"닥쳐!" (Shut up!) I glared at him and he was only smirking, like he was enjoying my situation! This is so embarrassing! Why did I even mention that he was good looking?! 바보! (What a fool!)

"뭐? 어쩔 건데?" (What? What are you going to do?) His eyes were telling me that he's having so much fun and I just want to stab him right this instant!

"Translation please? Not everyone here can understand wha you guys are saying." Celestia cut our intense staring, although she was looking at me, maybe hoping I would tell them what was going on. I remained silent but the guy in-front of me chuckled.

"Ugok ka, anong sinasabi mo kay Serena ha?"  Kuya Jherald lightly punched his shoulder. If I were him, I would knock the hell out of him.

"Wala, ang sabi ko sakaniya honest siya masyado." I wanted to just disappear to nowhere or just pop like a bubble at that moment. 

"Serena, did he say something wrong? Anything offensive? Tell me." Kuya Jherald came to me but of course I won't tell them that embarrassing event!

"It's okay oppa." I said and that Hanzon guy burst out in laughter that everyone was staring at him.  The attention was getting heavier to handle and because of all the eyes that was looking at me, I suddenly feel small again.

"Ah right, he's older than you." He was wiping his tears due to his laughter, hope you choke asshole.

"나이가 앋떻게 되세요?" (How old are you?") He asked informally. Come to think of it, was I've been speaking informal with him? Omf!

"열여덟 살" (18 years old.) I changed my tone in a polite manner, I don't want him to see korean people as rude persons! We are respectful.

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