Chapter 27: Family Vacation Part 1

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Saruto Pov: It's been a month since Hades attacked our village and ruined our Chunin exams the village had nearly been destroyed and it was going to take quite a long time to rebuild the village. Shikadai was the leader of the rebuilding group, and all missions for Genin Chunin and Jonin were cancelled. So basically for me was a month without missions. My mom had to work even harder and my dad was staying home all the time and nobody was allowed to go out of the village or in the village because of the construction. I went to pizza paradise a new store that had opened last week, I mean they had the best pizza ever. But my dad says back in his day burgers were the best thing ever. I also purchased the new video game and it had brand new characters and the characters were: Boruto Uzumaki, Sarada Uchiha, and Mitsuki Kakei. The new three legendary sannin. It was cool and I loved using the Character "Sarada Uchiha" since her Ultimate jutsu was "Perfect Susanoo".

Saruto: -playing video games-

Boruto: Hey Saruto aren't those games a little violent?


Boruto: Uhmm.....

Sarada: I'm home!

Boruto: You look tired.

Sarada: Yeah all this rebuilding the village is hard.

Boruta: MOMMY!!! -hugs Sarada-

Sarada: Oh hey sweetie.

Boruto: Well guess what!

Saruto: What?!

Boruto: I booked a place in the Hidden leaf where we can go on vacation!

Sarada: Really? But what about my hokage duties?!

Boruto: I took care of that, Master Sasuke says he can replace you for the time being.

Saruto: When will we leave?!

Boruto: In 1 hour.

Sarada: I better pack my stuff.

1 hour later 

Boruto: Alright is everyone ready?

Boruta: Yes!

Saruto: Yeah!

Sarada: Let's go!

Boruto: - activates jougan- -teleportation-

To be continued......

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