Chapter 45: Team 15

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Sarada: You guys have a mission to protect the village gate.

Kawako: From enemies right.

Boruto: Yeah we have to be prepared. Anything could happen.


Kima: Don't forget we're coming too.

Rein: Too bad Team 7 isn't coming with us.

(Rein is a girl)

Sarada: That's why we have another team coming with you guys

door opens

Sarah: Lady hokage.

Ukirama: So what are we doing again.

Konohamaru: Come on you guys! Be a little bit polite!

Kakasho: Yeah you're right.

Boruto: You guys are team 15.

Kawako: Team 15 huh. I bet they aren't even Genin.

Ukirama: Actually we're Chunin.

Kakasho: On our way headed to Jonin.

Kawako: No wait that can't even be possible. How the hell are these weaklings Chunin?

Kakasho: Hey watch it brother, or I'll kick your ass.

Konahamaru: Hey now calm down you guys.

Sarah: So you guys are Saruto's friends.

Rein: Oh my goodness I love your hair! What materials do you use.

Sarah: Oh well you know I use this conditioner called....

At the gate...

Inocho: I'm hungry.

Kawako: You're always hungry.

Sarah: I see some people.

Kima: Remember our job is to not let anybody inside the gate!

Saruto: Hey guys we're back!!!!! *heavily breathing*

Kakasho: Saruto! Yo man long time no see.

Shikadia: *heavily breathing*

Sumiro: Hey guys!!! *heavily breathing*

Kawako: Oh hey. 

Sarah: No get away from them!!! -throws kunai-

Saruto: -gets hit- -transforms-

Ukirama: Wait those are rouge ninja.

Kakasho: *jumps back* Good catch Sarah.

Kawako: Yeah real good catch, even I didn't see that coming.

Kakasho: Your dumbass wouldn't have seen that coming from a mile away.

Kawako: Hey do you wanna fight or something?

Sarah: Now's not the time guys!

Rogue ninja: -throws kunai-

Kima: -dodges- -punch-

Rogue ninja: -block-

Gold lee: HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! -gives him a barrage of kicks and punches-

Rogue ninja: -gets hit-

Kakasho: Lightning Style: Purple Lightning!

Rogue ninja: *gets stabbed through the heart*

Ukirama: -waves hand signs- Wood Style: Wooden Bullets! 

Rogue ninja: *gets hit*

Kawako: -byakugan- 10 palms!!!!!!!!

Rogue ninja: ARGHH!!!!

Inocho: Super Beast Scroll: Roaring Tiger!

Rogue ninja: AHHHHH!!!!!!!

Kawako: When did you learn that?!

Inocho: My dad taught me that.

Stone: Earth Style: Mud Trap!

Rogue ninja: AHHHHHRRGGGGGG!!!!!-gets stuck-

Rein: -throws kunai with paper bombs-

Rogue ninja: -gets hit-

 Rogue ninjas get captured and some died

Hope you guys enjoyed this filler chapter next chapter will be continuing chapter 44.

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