Chapter 32: Sora arrives...

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Saruto: -sees 16 year old Boruto and Sarada-  Hey there's dad and mom!

Kawaki: Don't go there, we can't interfere with the past 

Saruto: Fine!

Boruto: Hey Sarada do you want to eat with me at ichiraku!?

Sarada: Ok!

Saruto: Are they dating?!

Kawaki: Nope. It took a long time for those two to confess their feelings.

Saruto: Where were you at.

Kawaki: I don't really remember this, but I think on a mission.

1 hour later

Sora: -arrives in the past- Hm, I think I'll go after Kawaki first.

Kawaki: Let's go! We'll have to protect young me first.

16-year-old Kawaki: -walks to hokage office-

Sora: Stop right there kid.

Young Kawaki: Huh? Who are you?

Sora: -punch-

Young Kawaki: AHHHH!!! -gets hit- -falls to the ground-

Saruto: Why you! -punch-

Sora: -dodges- Hm? So you guys got here before me huh!

Kawaki: How can you notice it's us?!

Sora: You need to get better disguises! -wood style moss growth-

Saruto: -gets stuck in vines-

Kawaki: -pulls out staff- -cuts vines-

Saruto: Thanks.

Young Kawaki: Ugh! *gets up* Whoa wait who are you guys?!

Sora: -ice style ice freeze-

young Kawaki gets frozen

Kawaki: -fire style dragon breath-

ice melts

Sora: -punch-

Saruto: -dodges- -chidori-

Sora: -absorbs with Karma- -releases it back-

Saruto: AHHH -gets hit- -falls to the ground-

Kawaki: -Karma teleportation-

Sora: I will get that karma seal!

Kawaki: -lays young Kawaki on a tree-

Saruto: Wait we're leaving him here?

Kawaki: For the sake of the past.

Saruto: Fine.

both of them jump on a tree

1 hour passes by

Boruto: Kawaki?! 

Young Kawaki: Ugh! *wakes up* Where am I?

Boruto: I think you took a nap.

Young Kawaki: But there were just some people with masks....

Boruto: Look, my dad called us. We gotta go.

Young Kawaki: Okay.

At the hokage office

Naruto: Team 7, Sumire, and Kawaki, you guys were called to protect the sand train, because of some robberies in the past few days. Boruto you will be leading the team.

Boruto: Okay.


Kawaki: We have to follow them.

Saruto: Hm! 

2 hours later

Boruto: So the sand train is closed because of robberies huh.

Mitsuki: Yes, so that means we have to make a plan.

Sarada: Don't worry I have that taken care of -shows them the plan-

Sumire: Wow Sarada you really are smart.

 Young Kawaki: Yeah, but what if there are more robbers.

Boruto: I can produce shadow clones.

Sarada: Yeah okay!

Saruto: Their already gone lets go.

Kawaki: Yeah!

To be continued...

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