Mission Briefing

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"Alright! We got another mission." I say, throwing the file on the table.

"346 Beta? Didn't their leader-"

"That's not important. Right now, they are after a group of teenage boys. Alejandro Rosario, Mattia Polibio, Kairi Consentino, Alvaro Romero, Robert Georges, and Roshaun Diah." I say, clicking through each of the given photos.

"Their families have requested us personally. All of the boys know that we are only in their lives for our mission. So, don't worry about being friends outside of school." I continue.


"This could quite possibly be my last mission if it goes right. We don't need any more distractions." I snap.

"Alright. Where do they live?" Brennan asks, sighing.

"Jersey." I reply.

"When do we leave?" Stephen says. I check my watch.

"The jet takes off in thirty." I respond. They all nod and walk out.

"Princess." Someone says. I look up and see the boss man himself, Jeremy Turner.

"Don't let your personal vendetta endanger everyone else involved in this mission. Do I make myself clear?" He says. I nod.

"I'm not a rookie, Jeremy. If things go south, I'll do whatever it takes to fix them." I reply. He nods, walking out. I grab the file and walk out of the room, heading to my car and driving to the airport.

"Ready?" The pilot asks us. We nod and he walks away.

"Ray, we've had plenty of missions like this. Why don't you want us to be friends with them?" Bri asks. I scroll through my phone, not looking up once.

"I don't want any distractions. I can't risk losing the Betas again." I reply. Scarlet scoffs.

"Ray, I get that you want revenge, but if we don't form some type of connection, how are we gonna be able to do our job?" Scarlet asks. I glare at her.

"I said 'don't worry about being friends' I never said you couldn't. It just isn't a requirement this time. Do what you need to do to get the mission done. I don't care if you have to have sex with them! I want this mission over with so I can finally move on." I say, slightly raising my voice.

"Woah! Let's all take a deep breath and calm down." Brennan says. I stand up and walk to the other side of the jet and sit down, quickly drifting off to sleep.

~Trigger Warning~

"Careful what you say Raylynn, I might just have to shoot your mom too." Cynthia says. I start trying to pull my arms from the handcuffs.

"Ah ah ah! No need to get mad. All you need to do is tell me where the diamond is." She adds.

"I would never put something so important in the hands of a rat like you!" I reply. She sighs.

"Oh well. It's too bad that stupid jewel is worth more than your parents' lives." She says, shooting my mother in her head.

"No!" I scream, ripping the arms off of the chair and swinging at the blonde. I feel a shard pain in my shoulder and watch as she walks out, leaving me on the ground to stare at the dead bodies of my parents.

Present Day

"Ray? Hey, you were tossing in your sleep. Are you okay?" Steph asks. I sit up and shake myself off.

573 Alpha ~A.R.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora