Merry Christmas

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Third Person POV

Alejandro paces back and forth nervously inside of the living room. He and Raylynn had been in the talking stage for six months and he really wanted to ask the girl out at the Christmas party Mattia and Kai were throwing, but she is late. She isn't answering her phone and none of the boys have seen or heard from her.

"Ale?" The girl whispers. He looks up and hugs her.

"Where were you?!" He asks. She sighs.

"Here." She says, handing him a silver bag with white tissue paper inside. He takes the tissue paper out and pulls out a ShadowHill hoodie and a black box. The boy opens the box to reveal the gold chain he had mentioned when they hung out at the mall the first time. He looks up at her and pulls her into a kiss. She kisses back, smiling.

"I'm glad you like it." She says. He pulls the chain out and puts it on, looking in the mirror to admire it. He smiles and pecks her lips.

"Alright love birds, we have the eggnog." Roshaun says. They all sit on the couch and drink the eggnog while talking about random things.

"Alright let's open the gifts." Raylynn says, grabbing five bags and handing them to the other boys. They each open their gifts and thank her for everything. They give their gifts aswell and then each of them go off and do their own thing.

"Ray, can I talk to you?" Ale says, causing the girl to turn around and nod slowly. He grabs her hand and leads her to her room, sitting her on the bed as he pulls out a gold bracelet with their initials carved into it.

"I really like you and I know you feel the same way, but I don't want to just 'talk' anymore. I want to go on cute dates and hang out all the time. I want to be able to say 'she's taken' when the cashier in the gas station asks for your snap. I want to be able to spoil you and call you mine. And one day, I want to settle down, get married, and start a family. I want you to be mine." He says.

Raylynn's POV

"I want you to be mine." He says. I stop. Me? His?

"You're deadass?" I ask. He nervously gulps and slowly nods his head.

"Yeah." He replies as he looks down to his feet. I smile. His.

"I want you to be mine too." I say. He looks up at me, smiling so hard his dimples are deeper than the Mississippi River. He pulls me by my waist, kissing me slowly. That was, until I hear that dreaded sound.

Hello? Anyone listening?! We need help! We're in New Jersey, at some dock or something. We need backup!

I listen to the voice and gasp.


"I have to go." I say, grabbing my watch and a gun.

"Are you serious? Alone?" Ale asks. I sigh and turn back to him. I run over and kiss him.

"I'll be back soon." I say, walking out. I run to the car and get in.

"Access recent mission files of Scarlet Williams." I say to the computer.

Opening Mission File 751...

Mission: Intercept drug heist at the East Dock in New Jersey.

Partners: Cynthia Parker(Angel), Max Dressler(Hot Shot), Katie Pego(Diva), Celia Braud(Psycho), Ryan Clem(Baby Boy), Peyton Jord(Momma's Boy), Sissy Sheridan(T.T.; The Tease), Brennan(Pretty Boy) and Brianna(Doll Face) Downing, and Stephen Williams(Rookie)


"Computer, track Scarlet Williams." I say. The computer puts her location in my GPS and I drive to the dock. I get out of the car and sneak inside, taking out anyone that gets in my way.

"What should I do with all of you?" The man says, tracing his gun along Brianna's jawline, causing Stephen to start pulling on the ropes. I point my gun and take out all three of the remaining guards.

"Judging by the current situation, I'd let them take you into custody." I say, twisting my gun around my index finger as I walk out into the light.

"And you are?" He asks. I smirk.

"I'm the Princess in this castle, bitch." I say, pointing my gun at him. I shoot him in the head and walk over to untie the group.

"You were last person I expected, but I'm glad it was you." Scarlet says, rubbing her wrist. I nod and turn to walk out.

"Do you miss it?" Cynthia yells. I turn and smile down at the bracelet Ale got me.

"I have everything I need in life right now. I came to help, not to rejoin." I reply. I walk out and get back into the car. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. The adrenaline rush that came with pulling my trigger, the relief that washed over my body with every life I saved, all of it. That life was like a drug I was addicted to and couldn't get enough of, but I need to move on. I finally have a normal life and I'm not going lose that for some adrenaline. I can always have Ale help me with the adrenaline portion.

"I'm back." I say. I don't hear anything so I just sigh and walk into my room to see Ale hugging my pillow. I smile and crawl onto the bed infront of him.

"Baby?" He mumbles. I smile at the pet name and hum.

"Promise you won't go back to that life. I can't lose you." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turn to face him, placing a hand on his cheek. I look into his tired eyes and peck his lips.

"I have everything I could ever want Ale. They needed my help. They weren't just my partners, they were my friends, my family. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to them and I had the chance to prevent it. I will never go back to that life permanently ever again." I whisper. He nods and places his head on my chest, quickly falling asleep. I smile and close my eyes, falling asleep aswell.

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