Chapter I

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My name is Cassandra Rose Sinclair, but I go by Cassy Rose. Although I would love to say otherwise I am a perfectly ordinary 16 year old. Sure, I've got dreams like every other girl but here in the Middle of Nowhere, Iowa, where our closest neighbors are three miles away, it's already a miracle that my brain hasn't spontaneously combusted from boredom. Ma says I'll get out of here someday, but I'm not so sure anymore. It's like a curse, born here stay here. I don't think I'll be an exception.

Ma and I have lived here forever, but within my first nine years of life I had discovered all there was to know in our little town. Ms.Layla Anne's secret lover, Dmitri Gordon's extra toe, the hidden trapdoor in the barn; everything. I stopped bothering with schoolwork a couple of years ago, even if it was something to do. 11th grade shouldn't be any different than all the ones before it, but the free AC will be a relief. I don't have many friends either, and the selection of boys is quite depressing, so no help there. I'll get some comic relief out of Old Magee's lectures about body hygiene, flunk Bio, same old same old. Our small meaningless lives will play out , and the most exceptional thing that will happen will be winning the annual mushroom tasting contest. Big Whoop. Some people still hold on to the futile hope that it will be different. They won't just melt away into the sea of others, they will be someone. I know better. And yet every morning, something tells me to keep going. That today will be different. Hope, maybe, optimism. Call it what you may something is there. Something that tells me that tomorrow will be different. And I do keep going. And one day it did pay off.  The day he stepped into Physics and turned my world upside down.

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