Chapter 6

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———one month later———
It was luke and jinn's birthday. Attending where most of the council,including yoda,plo,shaak,obi-wan,and ki-adi,as well as ahsoka,who was now about three,rex, owen, beru, anakin's friend cal, about 5 other younglings and R2 and 3-P0
"Thank you all for coming,and happy 6th birthday to luke and jinn" anakin says
"So,what should we do first. Games,presents,or food. Cake is last,no matter what"
"Food" says luke
"Games" says jinn
"How about you guys decide with a game of rock,holo,sabers"
"The force allows us to see the future,so probably not"
"So how about a vote. Close your eyes. Now raise your hand to vote games."
8 people.
"Now raise your hand to vote food"
9 people.
"Alright,guess it's time to eat"
———5 minutes later———
The food was on the table. The drinks were on the counter. Everyone was eating or making small talk
"So hows life living with the skywalkers" plo asks ahsoka
"Pretty boring. I like the skywalkers a lot,but I can't wait until this year is over"
" pretty unde/|\(|)[]<\/>"plo reaches up and adjusts a knob on his mask. "Sorry about that. I need to get this thing checked out. It's been randomly malfunctioning lately. As i was saying,that's pretty understandable. Plus,ever since you've been gone,we're one short on knights to teach the younglings basic saber combat"
"Well anakin,me and beru better get going. We wouldn't want jabba to confiscate our farm for it being unoperational for too long." Owen says
"It's fine. But I'm sure if you wanted,the republic could provide you with a home here on coruscant."
"A very kind offer anakin,but we have to politely refuse"
"Hey luke,jinn,come tell your auntie and uncle goodbye"
"Bye uncle owen. Bye aunt beru" they say simultaneously."Thanks for coming."
"We wouldn't have missed it for any amount of credits" beru says
"Well,depends on the amount" owen jokes
"Well,we'll be going. Don't want to miss our shuttle"
After they leave anakin stands up and says "well it looks like all the food is gone. It's time to play some games"
They play pin the tail on the togruta,a game that ahsoka and shaak truly disapproved of,Dueling tournament,where the jedi set their sabers to training mode,and anakin was the champion until he went against luke,who he went easy on,and laser tag,which was easily won by rex.
After they everyone was exhausted,they sat down to watch luke and jinn open their presents.
Luke got an old Phase 1 501 helmet from rex,a build your own droid guide from R2 an 3-P0,qui-gons old kyber crystal from obi-wan,a book called using the force 101 from the jedi council,a jawa tooth necklace from uncle owen and aunt beru,a homemade card from ahsoka,and battle simulator from anakin and padmé
Jinn got a book called "the great battles of the clone wars" from rex,a high-power telescope from R2 and 3-P0,a holocron created by obi-wan coded to show many of anakin's greatest victories from blowing up a droid command center to discovering the sith lord in the senate,when interacting with qui-gons kyber crystal,the book " the trials of jedi knighthood" from the council,a book called "aurek to zerek guide of tatooines most diverse species",another homemade card from ahsoka,and "the complete guide to peaceful negotiations" from anakin and padmé

Any suggestions for the next chapter. I'm running out of ideas

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