chapter 10

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anakin,padme,luke,jinn,and ahsoka loaded onto padme's nubian starship when obi-wan came rushing over with a suitcase

"sorry i'm late"

"um" ahsoka said

"oh,right,i forgot to mention that I invited obi-wan"

"ugh,you're the worst" ahsoka said jokingly

after they were loaded and comfortable anakin said over the intercom i. the cockpit "prepare to jump to lightspeed in 3...2...1"

as they made the jump to hyperspace they all settled on who got what quarters

"luke and jinn will share a room,ahsoka and obi-wan each get their own,and me and anakin will share"

they had decided that padme and anakin would get the biggest room,luke and jinn got the second biggest,and ahsoka volunteered for the smallest,leaving obi-wan with the second-smallest.

"thank you ahsoka" obi-wan said

after a brief dinner of rations,luke and jinn get ready for bed

"auntie 'soka,will you come read us a holo-story" jinn aks


the story was quick and halfway through it the kids were asleep. ahsoka walked out of their room to hear some strange noise coming from obi-wans. she looked in to see he was covering his eyes with one hand and holding a hologram in the other. and shaking. It took ahsoka a while to realize he was crying. and a few more to realize the hologram he was looking at was of satine kryze

ahsoka stayed up half the night thinking about what she had seen,and then felt like she had only slept a few minutes when they landed on naboo and went to anakin and padme's old lake house,where they had gotten married,and had the same bedroom size order as the starship,but ahsoka and obi-wan switched,so obi-wan got the smallest

"Luke! jinn! breakfast" padme calls before anakin goes and wakes them up

ahsoka and obi-wan were helping cook breakfast with padme when luke an jinn entered,looking tired but awake

"morning,sleepyheads" ahsoka said

"morning" they said drowsily

"how did you sleep."

"Not good" luke says "I felt something...cold"

anakin,obi-wan,and ahsoka all look at each other suspicously

after ahsoka played with the kids a little,per their request, they heard a strange pitt-pitt-pitt-pitt sound coming from outside. everyone went outside to see a gungan sub emerge out of the water ando out jumped a froglike humanoid

"heyo,pallo's" he said

"hello,jar-jar" padme greeted

"Queenie amadalee" jar-jar said

"Senator" Padme corrected

"Mesa heard yousa was staying hair and boss Nass gave mesa permission to visit. Bombad good to see yousa"

"Who are you" luke asked

"This is jar-jar binks,the gungan that led the charge against the droid army on this planet 19 years ago" anakin explained

A few hours after jar-jar left,and after dinner ahsoka was having trouble sleeping. She felt...cold. She went for a little walk and saw,in the courtyard,a cloaked figure standing  at the fence,facing the outside. She ignited her sabers and asked "who are you?"

A deep,misty voice said "hello,padawan" before the figure turned around and ignited a red,double-bladed lightsaber,his hood falling off to reveal a red face,covered in black tattoos,and eight horns

"Maul" she said

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