chapter 8

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anakin senses that palpatine is in the largest seperatist dreadnought. he tells obi-wan and the two of them rush to their jedi interceptors

"I promise i'll bring our children black alive" anakin tells padme. then he and obi-wan launch out of the cruiser into the air.

------five minutes later------

anakin and obi-wan land in the dreadnought and make their way to the bridge. when they make it they see luke,jinn,and ahsoka tied up.

"where's sideous" obi-wan wonders aloud

less than two seconds later his question is answered for him whene a dark cloud came spinning down from above them. palpatine lands behind them.

"skywalker only" he croaks,sending a flurry of lightning towards obi-wan,knocking him uncouncious

"no!" anakin yells,turning to the sith lord and igniting his lightsaber

"perfect" sideous says,igniting his own saber

anakin and palpatine start dueling,with no clear advantage shown on either side. they move around the entire dreadnought and circle back to the bridge before any advantage is shown

obi-wan jumps down behind palpatine and anakin and says "hello there" before joining the fight

palpatine is outmatched in numbers and skill,but he holds his own for a while

anakin and obi-wan kick him down a flight of stairs and say "it's over palpatine.we have the high ground" to which sheev replies to with " YOU WILL DIE" making lightining arc toward them,reminding anakin of that brief moment he was tempted by the dark side.but that wasn't going to happen again.

in a fleeting instant anakin runs forward,completley oblivious to the shouts of his master and of the pain of the lighning burning his skin.all he cared about was getting rid of the sith once and for all.

but of course it wasn't that easy. palpatine pulls his saber towards himself and blocks anakin

"your family will die if you do not join me. you will give in to the dark side. you will shed the skin of anakin skywalker and be known as darth vader"

"NO! I'LL NEVER JOIN YOU! I AM GOING TO END THIS" anakin shouts,thrusting foward,destroying palpatines lightsaber and beheading him.

"anakin, did it. you killed darth sideous." obi-wan says

"I...I did.I DID!" anakin exclaims happily

------ten minutes later------

luke,jinn,and ashoka were safe upon the jedi cruiser.anakin and obi-wan were obsrving the battle.

"it hasn't's like they don't even care that their leader is dead" anakin says

"they are programmed to fight no matter what." obi-wan responds

"programing. that's right! their programing." anakin says exitedly

"remember when i was nine. we found out that blowwing up the droid control ship meant deactivating the droids. well,we all know that those clankers never learn"

he used the force to push the dreadnought straight into the control ship,making it explode and causing all the droids to deactivate. the battle was won

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