Chapter 11

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"How did you find this place" ahsoka asks the former sith

"My new master pointed me in the direction of it."

"new master?"

"Yes,and I am not the only apprentice he has taken,padawan tano"

"Who else."

"Enough talking. Lets finish this!" He says,igniting his sabers and launching into a dual with ahsoka

The odds are even,with no clear advantage when ahsoka yells "anakin! Obi-wan!"

"He...kenobi...he's HERE!" Screams maul,a slight hint of terror in his voice

Anakin,obi-wan,and padme come rushing in to the courtyard and anakin sees what's happening

"Padme,go protect luke and jinn. Me and I obi-wan will deal with him"

"Kenobi,finally I can get my revenge"

"Not today,sith scum" anakin says,and he and obi-wan ignite their sabers

Maul pushes ahsoka and anakin to the walls and lunges at obi-wan,obi-blocks twice and then swings his saber downward,cutting a deep line in mauls chest

"Now tell us who your master is" ahsoka demands

With his dying breath maul says "darth...pla...gues"

"That's impossible. Sideous told me he killed him" anakin says

"It seems he lied,again" a disembodied voice says. A voice anakin and obi-wan recognize

"Master Qui-gon" they say at once

"Who's qui-gon" jinn asks sleepily

"The one we named you after,obi-wans master,qui-gon jinn"

"Yes,it is I" he says,before he erupts into full appearance "I don't have time. My training was incomplete. Go to dagobah,follow the light. And darth plagues is actually j..." he says,unable to finish his sentence before he fades away

"Alright,jinn,back to bed. We Have to...take care of something"

"Okay" she says and walks back to her room

"It seems our visit has been cut short. We must return to coruscant first thing in the morning. For now we must dispose of the body"

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