Chapter 7

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Anakin was sitting in the council room a month and a half after luke and jinns birthday, discussing the war with the rest of the council. Ashoka was at home was taking care of the kids.
"Sadly,since anakin had more pressing matters to attend to,he was unable to capture the information that was vital to our success,we will have to send another strike team" mace was saying when anakin suddenly got an overwhelming headache.
"Excuse me,masters" he said before stumbling out of the room.
Then his holotransmitter beeped
He accepted the call and saw a worried Ashoka
"Anakin,get here,qui-aaaaaauuugh"
Suddenly a pale,deformed face appeared on the holodisplay
"Palpatine,what have you done with my padawan."
"Oh,not just your padawan. If you ever want to see her or your children again,come to these coordinates.and be prepared to pledge your loyalty to me"
Anakin rushed back into the room and told the council,who,understanding that palpatine would be there,released an announcement for the entire jedi order to board on many cruisers,as well as the entire clone army of the republic"
When anakin was leaving he ran into padme and a boy with well-kept brown hair
"Padme,Senator bonteri, i see you've heard about what happened to Ashoka and our children"
"Yes,we have,master jedi. In fact,that's why we're here. We're coming to help."
"Good. We need all the help we can get"
The republic sent out a call for help
It was heard and obliged by the forces of naboo, kashyyyk, ryloth, mon cala, shili, toydaria, onderon, and many other planets loyal to the republic, as well as deathwatch,led by Bo-Katan and the pirates of florrum,led by hondo onaka.
The coordinates pointed towards the planet naboo,sideous's home world
They arrive after a thirty minute jump to hyperspace
A hologram of Anakin stands in front of their ginormous army
"For eight years this galaxy has been ravaged by war. I say this war has gone on long enough. When We leave this planet,the oppression of the sith and the separatist alliance will never return. Because we will never give in. We will fight. We will win. Those clankers won't stand a chance. And when we open this door,you will run there with spirit. You will crush that seppie scum."
The door starts to open
"Remember. This battle will decide who wins the war. So go out there and fight. FOR THE REPUBLIC!"
"FOR THE REPUBLIC!" The army repeats as they charge out the doors
And then all hell broke loose

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