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January 1:
A huge skeleton is found buried more than a mile in the ice in the Arctic by a German research team.
Japanese troops launch a counter-attack in eastern china in an attempt to relieve the nearly-surrounded Japanese 36th Division.

January 2:
The Soviet offensive in Finland is halted by several Finnish victories. A major Finnish victory at Suomussalmi is reported; one whole Soviet division is eliminated.

January 10-16:
A German plane, carrying plans for Fall Gelb, crashes in neutral Belgium creating the Mechelen incident. These captured documents reveal Hitler's plans for the invasion of Scandinavia and a postponement of the invasion of France and the Low Countries until the spring, when the weather is more compatible for an invasion.

January 20:
German submarine U-44 torpedoes and sinks Greek steamer Ekatontarchos Dracoulis off Portugal at 0415 hours, killing 6. U-44 had been hunting for Ekatontarchos Dracoulis for the past 6 hours.

January 21:
A U-boat sinks British destroyer HMS Exmouth and its crew of 135 are all lost.

February 5:
Britain and France decide to intervene in Norway to cut off the iron ore trade in anticipation of an expected German occupation and ostensibly to open a route to assist Finland. The operation is scheduled to start about March 20.

February 15:
The Soviet army captures Summa, an important defence point in Finland, thereby breaking through the Mannerheim Line.
Hitler orders unrestricted submarine warfare.

February 16:
British destroyer HMS Cossack forcibly removes 303 British POWs from the German transport Altmark in neutral Norwegian territorial waters, sparking the Altmark Incident.

February 17:
The Finns continue retreat from the Mannerheim Line.

February 21:
General Falkenhorst is placed in command of the upcoming German invasion of Norway.

March 3:
Soviets start attacks on Viipuri, Finland's second largest city.

March 5:
Finland tells the Soviets they will agree to their terms for ending the war. The next day they send emissaries to Moscow to negotiate a peace treaty.

March 16:
German air raid on Scapa Flow causes first British civilian casualties.

March 18: Hitler and Mussolini meet at the Brenner pass on the Austrian border; Benito Mussolini agrees with Hitler that Italy will enter the war "at an opportune moment".

March 28:
Britain and France make a formal agreement that neither country will seek a separate peace with Germany.

March 29:
The Soviets want new territories. Molotov speaks to the Supreme Soviet, about "an unsettled dispute", the question of Romanian Bessarabia.

March 30:
Japan establishes a puppet regime at Nanking, China.

April 9:
German forces land in several Norwegian ports and take Oslo; the Norwegian Campaign lasts two months. The British start their Norwegian Campaign. Denmark is invaded and surrenders in six hours. The German heavy cruiser Blücher is sunk at the Battle of Drøbak Sound.

April 10:
Germans set up a Norwegian government under Vidkun Quisling, former minister of defence.
The German light cruiser Königsberg is sunk by British Fleet Air Arm dive bombers.

April 11:
First Battle of Narvik. British destroyers and aircraft successfully make a surprise attack against a larger German naval force. A second attack on April 13 will also be a British success.

April 27:
British troops start pull-out from central Norway, north and south of Trondheim.

May 1: Allies begin evacuating Norwegian ports; the efforts will continue until June.

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