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The last year of WW2

January 1:
The Germans begin a surprise offensive in northern Alsace. Unternehmen Bodenplatte is launched by the Luftwaffe against western Allied air bases in Belgium and Holland by elements of ten different Jagdgeschwadern, as its last major air offensive of the war in the West. American troops kill dozens of German POWs at Chenogne.

January 2:
46 American B-29 bombers based near Calcutta, India attacked a railroad bridge near Bangkok, Thailand and other targets in the area. The Japanese increasingly use kamikaze tactics against the US naval forces nearby.

January 3:
The Allies take the offensive east of the Bulge but they fail to close the pincers.

January 4:
US navy air attacks on Formosa.

January 5:
The German offensive Nordwind crosses the border into Alsace. Japanese retreat across the Irrawaddy River in Burma with General Slim's troops in pursuit.

January 6:
American B-29s bomb Tokyo again.

January 7:
Germans, as part of the plan to retake Strasbourg, break out of the "Colmar Pocket", a bridgehead on the Rhine, and head east.

January 8:
The battle of Strasbourg is underway, with Americans in defence of their recent acquisition.

January 9:
Americans land on Luzon. There are more kamikaze attacks on the American navy.

January 11:
The first convoy moves on the Ledo Road in northern Burma, linking India and China.

January 17:
What is left of Warsaw is entered by Red Army troops. A government favourable to the Communists is installed. It is announced officially that the Battle of the Bulge is at an end.

January 19:
Hitler orders that any retreats of divisions or larger units must be approved by him.

January 20:
The Red Army advances into East Prussia

January 30:
The Malta Conference begins with Winston Churchill meeting with the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the Island of Malta in the Mediterranean to plan the end of both Theaters, and to discuss the ramifications of the Soviets now controlling most of Eastern Europe. President Franklin D. Roosevelt would join the Conference for one day on the 2nd February 1945, both would fly to Yalta on 3 February for the Yalta Conference with Stalin.

January 31:
The Red Army crosses the Oder River into Germany and are now less than 50 miles from Berlin. A second invasion on Luzon by Americans lands on the west coast. The whole Burma Road is now opened as the Ledo Road linkage with India is complete.

February 4:
The Yalta Conference of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin begins. The main subject of their discussions is postwar spheres of influence. Belgium is now cleared of all German forces.

February 16: American paratroopers and Philippine Commonwealth troops land on Corregidor Island, in Manila Bay. Once the scene of the last American resistance in early 1942, it is now the scene of Japanese resistance. American naval vessels bombard Tokyo and Yokohama.

February 19:
U.S. Marines invade Iwo Jima.

February 21:
The Brazilian forces and U.S. Army wins the Battle of Monte Castello.

February 25:
Taking off on the 24th, a US B-29 incendiary raid on Tokyo, Japan takes place.

March 7:
The Battle of Remagen: When German troops fail to dynamite the Ludendorff Bridge over the Rhine, the U.S. First Army captures the bridge and begins crossing the river. The Army also takes Cologne, Germany. Germans begin to evacuate Danzig

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