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ㄖㄥᗪ  千尺|乇几ᗪ丂

(っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ🥩⊂(・▽・⊂)

A/N: Yes, I'm still alive. Lol. Did y'all miss me, and Ikki? Sksksks. Anyways, hope you like this!

P.S: Ikki's eye color is gold. His hair is black, and has fair complexion. (PP.S: does anyone wanna make a fanart? uwu)

P R E V I O U S L Y :

"HIRA-KUN!" Erina called out, when she finally reached him. She huffed, placing her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. "It's you... Hira-kun...right?"

Ikki stopped walking, and turned to her. He put his hand on her head, ruffling her blonde locks.

"Took you long enough..." Ikki smiled. "...Naki-chan."


"Erina-sama, presenting Chef Hirabayashi Takashi..." The butler introduced as a middle-aged man, who was wearing a white uniform, sets down a fine, plate of fillet mignon over a sauce. "Here is the beta dish that'll serve as his main course for his menu at the Star Gala this year."

"Enjoy, Erina-sama." The chef smiled at the young girl, but she only replied with a blank look.

Erina sighed, already sick and tired. She's tasted numerous foods this day, a lot in which disappointed her palette greatly. She just couldn't wait for this to be over with. "Is this the last one?" She asked the butler beside her.

"Hai, Erina-sama." He answered courtly, with small smile.

Erina nodded, and took ahold of the fork that was readied for her to use. She eyed the elegantly plated dish, and inwardly acknowledged the chef for his delicacy in the details of his plating. 'Not bad'. She slid her fork through the meat, and her eyes widened a bit. 'It smoothly sliced into the mignon'. She thought, taking a piece of the meat, and putting some of the sauce over it.

'Will this taste good though...?' Erina eyed it before placing the juicy food into her mouth.

Everyone in the room with her held their breathes in anticipation for her reaction. They were very much aware of the girl's divine pallette, and they would stop at nothing to satisfy it. So, the chefs, of course see each other as rivals and her praise as the prize.

Erina closed her eyes, and let her pallette dance with the food, sending images to her brain in relation to the taste. 'I feel like I'm bouncing on a trampoline made out of the softly cooked mignon...The flavors, the marinate, the meat juices, it's all very savory...' But, she suddenly furrowed her eyebrows as the taste of the sauce started to mix in. 'However...'

"The sauce is horribly made..." She bluntly said. It was so straightforward, that it can make any chef depressed. "It doesn't compliment the mignon at all!"

Takashi sweatdropped, chuckled awkwardly, and scratched his cheek in embarrassment. 'I knew I shouldn't have let Ikki change the sauce'. He thought, a bit regretful that he let his son change the recipe in the last minute.

"What's this?" Erina wondered, taking another taste of the sauce. "...cumin seeds?" She realized.

"Hai, Erina-sama." Takashi confirmed.

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