Mother Fazbear

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   In this the other main night guards (Vincent, Scott, Mike, Jeremy, and Fritz) "died" from being stuffed in the suits, but lucky for them they came back to life and now stay with the animatronics.

(Y/n)'s POV
        I sat down in the office chair and got ready for the night, I had been the newly chosen night guard for the animatronics after the old ones died. After every Fazbear restaurant had been closed down all the animatronics had been grouped together in one of the buildings, and lucky me I was the night guard. It wasn't that bad, I was already on my second week and sometimes the animatronics would go easy on me.

        "Foxy give it back!" Chica shouted while chasing Foxy through the main room, Foxy had stolen Carl and was now running away with it. Foxy passed by Freddy and stole his top hat, "Wha- Foxy!!" Freddy shouted, he started chasing the Fox too. "Guys we have to get our suits on!!" Golden Freddy shouted at them, soon everyone was shouting and arguing with each other. Unfortunately for them this woke Puppet up, Puppet walked into the main room and saw everyone arguing and fighting. 'For pete's sake' he thought, then Puppet got an idea, he altered their souls so now they were all toddlers, so around 3-4 years old. All of them turned to look at Puppet who was crossing his arms and glaring, "If you're gonna act like children you can be children, enjoy your night shift." He said, and with that he headed back to his box.

(Y/n)'s POV
12:00 struck and I checked the cameras, "Wait, what?!" I said to myself, I stood up and jogged into the main party room. Once I got there I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "Hey night guard, they're your problem now. Enjoy!" Puppet said sassily. I looked down when I felt someone tug on my shirt sleeve, "M-miss, I'm hungry" I was shocked but decided that I needed to take care of these guys. My gaze softened and I picked the kid up, he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck, "What's your name sweetie?" I asked him softly. "I'm Fritz" he said. "Hi I'm Vincent!" I felt someone hug my leg and so I looked down, there was a little boy who had light purple skin and dark purple hair that was tied back in a ponytail.

        His eyes were also pure white, I smiled and patted his head "Hello Vincent." "Miss?" I looked over and saw a kid with a red phone for a head, "Um, hello! I'm Scott." I smiled at him, "Hello Scott" I said. Looking back at Vincent who was still hugging my leg, I asked him "Hey Vincent, could you let go? I need to get to the kitchen." Vincent looked up at me and frowned. "...Fine, but only if you say I'm your Best Friend!" "Vincent, you are my best friend." Vincent's smile returned and he let go.

Nobody's POV
(Y/n) looked over at the other kids there, she smiled and called out "Guys we're gonna go have dinner, follow me please."  The majority came to her, but a few of them were being difficult "No." Springtrap said while crossing his arms and glaring, "Yeah I'm with Springtrap." Goldie said while also crossing his arms. "Please boys, there's a lot of you I want to do my best to take care of you." (Y/n) said, Springtrap shook his head while Goldie sat down where he'd previously been standing. (Y/n) sighed and looked down the hall at one of the party rooms, "Then I want you two to go sit in one of the other party rooms and wait for me to come talk to you." Springtrap and Goldie reluctantly went to one of the rooms while the others went in a different one.

        (Y/n) had everyone seated down at the table when she noticed two other kids she didn't know the names of, "I didn't get your names" (Y/n) said while looking over at Mike and Jeremy. "I'm Mike and this is Jeremy, Jeremy doesn't like to talk much." (Y/n) smiled sweetly and started walking out of the room "I'll be back with your dinners, just sit tight."

(Time Skip to after dinner, and still nobody's POV)

        (Y/n) walked towards the party room where Goldie and Springtrap were staying when she heard talking, "Hey Springy, I'm hungry..."  "Y-yeah me too"  "Do you think she's gonna yell at us?" (Y/n)'s gaze softened, she cleared her throat and started walking towards the two boys. "Do you guys want dinner now?" She asked while sitting down between the two, Goldie burst into tears and started repeating how sorry he was whilst Springtrap just hung his head and mumbled out a sorry. (Y/n) picked Goldie up and sat him in her lap, Goldie hugged her and rested his head on her chest. Springtrap crawled over and hugged her arm, (Y/n) could feel small tears soak through her shirt sleeve "Boys... I'm not mad or upset with you, I just want to take care of you so you can feel safe."

        Goldie looked up and gave (Y/n) a small smile, "We'll be good and listen miss." Before (Y/n) could respond Vincent came crashing through the door and hugged (Y/n) from behind. "(Y/n), (Y/n) guess what! I made you a picture, it's you and me and we're working here together!"  "Vincent, she's trying to talk to Springtrap and Goldie leave her alone!" Scott said while following behind Vincent. Vincent seemed to get very upset by Scott's statement, he wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s neck and glared daggers at almost everyone else in the room, not including (Y/n). "No! (Y/n) is my best friend and I'll talk to her whenever I want! And I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me or tries to take her away!" Goldie looked up and started glaring too.

        "Hey who said you get to be her best friend?"  "Vincent replied with a smug smirk, "(Y/n) did, she said it herself didn't you?" Vincent said while turning to (Y/n), "Y-yeah well, uhm... I'm her favorite!" Goldie shouted at him. "Maybe it's neither of you, maybe it's me!" Springtrap proposed standing up, (Y/n) looked to Scott and while the other three were fighting she whispered to him "Go get the Puppet, he's in the prize room." Scott nodded and left to go find Puppet. After a little bit Puppet arrived with Scott and walked over to (Y/n), "Go back to the office, your shift is almost over, I'll take care of them."  "Thanks, also everyone else is asleep in party room 6." And with that the 6 a.m. bell rang and (Y/n) headed out the door.

        "So let me get this straight... you turned us into children and the 3 of us ended up arguing about who was the night guard's favorite?" Springtrap said while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah pretty much, I have to admit she played out the mother role very well." Puppet said shrugging his shoulders, In the back Vincent was staring at the picture he made. "Pretty sure I was her favorite though." He said smugly... and the whole argument started up again.

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